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Posts posted by MaartenVC

  1. 47 minutes ago, dingformung said:

    It's problematic that for you the sad part of her passing away is that she can't continue her career and make more music for your personal entertainment. Your personal gain is not the metric by which a human life's worth should be measured.

    Maybe, but most dead people in this thread are remembered for their contributions to entertainment as a whole but also for their contributions to our own enjoyment, not?
    When an aspiring artist dies young, is it not natural to think of what more they could have accomplished and could have brought in terms of enjoyment to our lives?

    • Like 1
  2. I didn't know for sure in what thread to post this but I guess it kind of fits.
    Two World Maps in Cartogram form showing population density and GDP density. (based on data from 2016)
    Pretty cool. (or not cool, because of the inequality obviously)

    Here's a normal map btw:

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, usagi said:

    this was a stupid post. Blasphemous ended up being one of my favourite games from that year. people should stop using the term "metroidvania", it says nothing about what a game has or doesn't have to offer other than that it's a 2-d sidescroller with combat.

    speaking of which, Dead Cells just got an update.

    Yeah the term Metroidvania is kinda dumb.
    It expects you to know what kind of gameplay Metroid and Castlevania have.
    It's not a very descriptive term.
    Some other video game genres have the same problem: Souls-like, Rogue-lite, Doom-clone,...
    I haven't seen an alternative term for Metroidvanias yet.
    These are what I think are core elements:
    • large interconnected dungeon-like/maze-like world
    • locked doors/gates/hazards/challenges require certain skills/upgrades
    • lots of secret areas with smaller upgrades
    • explore at will, exploration is rewarded
    • non-linear
    • backtracking after getting a big upgrade
    • gradual difficulty when only following the main path
    • side paths are more difficult but can be used as cool skips
    • usually side-scrolling view
    • lots of platforming, overcoming them better and better using movement skills/upgrades
    • lots of combat, overcoming them better and better using fighting skills/upgrades
    • sometimes small puzzles or small challenges to get smaller upgrades
    • a simple map
    • different environments
    • challenging bosses
    • character progression
    • emphasis more on gameplay, somewhat less on story
    • almost any narrative setting is possible
    I feel like a descriptive term might be too long.
    Exploration-Action-Platform-RPG ?

  4. gf decided to watch Fate: The Winx Saga (2021-...) cause she used to watch Winx Club as a kid.
    Well, it's absolute shite. Complete and utter trash. The writing is abysmal. The dialogue is unreal.
    Some real quotes form the first episode:
    • "Quit perving on the first years."
    • "Must be emasculating to be replaced by a teenage girl."
    • "I have to be a basic bitch like my mom was."
    • "She’s crazy hot but the emphasis is squarely on crazy."
    • "- I mean, it's five girls in an enclosed space, so it's a matter of time before we descend into a Lord of the Flies situation and kill each other. - Lady of the Flies, sweetie. Don't be sexist."
    • "Don't you feminist with me."
    • "How very American of you. Shall we?"
    • "And yet I saw no less than three people updating their Insta stories."
    • "Are you the one person in the universe who's never read Harry Potter?"
    • "People have seen me in this outfit already."
    • "I'm literally your biggest fan."
    • "Probably shouldn't have said arsehole in front of the headmistress!"
    • "I literally went out earlier today."

    • Facepalm 1
  5. World - Map of country 14-day covid-19 case notification rates per 100.000.

    Europe - Map of provincial 14-day covid-19 case notification rates per 100.000.

    USA - Map of county 14-day covid-19 case notification rates per 100.000.

    World - Map of country Total Deaths per 1.000.000.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  6. 4 hours ago, headplastic said:

    - Would you consider the IDM community a diverse social space? Is it a cohesive community or fragmented in some way?

    - What constitutes "popular music" in this digital age? Is IDM popular music?

    - Does the online underground exist? What kind of impact does it have on listeners?

    Okay, I'm just going on a hunch here. Just what I think. I have done no research in the matter.

    I'm not sure there even is a clear-cut IDM community. Isn't it just people who happen to be attracted to the same kind of music? I feel like the IDM community is rather small pockets of friends, or acquaintances finding out about a common love for the same kind of music, or even just individuals, rather splintered over the real world. More-so, I think they find connection on specific places on the internet (like WATMM I guess), or on gigs of IDM-like artists, or on festivals which happen to cater IDM-like music, or on certain record labels. My guess is that it's not a very diverse community. However I do think it's splintered over the world making it somewhat diverse, but only a little bit. I think there are some common parameters among people who like to listen to IDM-like music. Maybe it has to do with something going on in the brain, the heart (however, that's the brain too), something cultural, the background in music, upbringing, certain patterns in (electronic) music? IDM to me is not a clearly defined genre of music. IDM might have some sort of core concept, but I personally find it to be more eclectic, experimental, fuzzy. I think it uses, incorporates, molds and experiments with other music genres. I think closely-related electronic music genres borrow from IDM too. I feel, more recently, Pop music also borrows a bit from IDM & co. I wouldn't define IDM as popular music though. Very few people seem to know of the term IDM, or only know of one or only a few IDM-like artists. Most popular radio stations don't play IDM, or very few of it. I feel like one almost has to actively search for IDM-like music to find it, or find out about it. Me personally, I only first found out about IDM from an Art Teacher who played music in the background from Lusine (L'usine) during some of the art lessons.

    I'm not sure if this helps in any way. Just my two cents.
    I could be completely wrong though. ?

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Nebraska said:

    full list of pardons served up hot off the stove. even Harry O from death row records gets the T pardon treatment.


    Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

    Trump might as well just release all prisoners from jail. Why even have jails or courts?
    Really WTF. This is beyond insane. How is this legal/constitutional?

    Nobody should be above the law.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 18 hours ago, onecaseman said:

    I could not figure out what to do and kept dying, so turned it off LOL.

    You can choose a different mode at the start which turns off Hunger and Water requirements.
    The game is challenging enough with those, so I can recommend playing that way. (On your second play-through you could try playing with hunger and thirst.)
    I also suggest drawing a Map for yourself with your base / starting location in the centre and with the big crashed ship to the right.
    This helps immensely. As you can get lost very easily, especially when it's dark.
    Mark the different Biomes on this map. They contain different materials, creatures and plants. They are key to your progress.
    Try to find all crashed escape pods. They will give you hints and progress the underlying story. They will also help you find new biomes.
    And explore every new wreck you find completely. This way you'll be able to unlock all sorts of cool new stuff, allowing you to get new tools, base expansions, etc...
    Most importantly upgrades allow you to dive deeper and deeper...
    Diving deeper = Progress in this game. Really cool and innovative design imo.
    (this game has tons of secrets)

  9. 10 hours ago, usagi said:

    my hot tip for this one: allow yourself to type in reddit.com in your browser when you feel the urge, allow yourself to click Go, allow the page to load even, and then close it without looking at anything. for some reason deflecting the urge this way worked for me. it may take several weeks of doing this but eventually you'll forget about it, your brain will start to regrow as you stop taking insta-opinions from the ADD college kid hivemind.

    I think youtube, which doesn't fall in quite the same category as FB or Twitter but is definitely at the forefront of disinformation propagation, is the hardest one to beat overall. I'm not going to kill my yt account with my 5000+ favourites playlist that I've built over 13 years. at least it's easier not to engage with others on it but there is so much bullshit content and their leadership doesn't care at all.

    I didn't have an immediate improvement and there was a cost to pay in terms of my social life, but I decided that if a connection could not be maintained without FB then it was an acceptable cost given the bigger problem. over time unplugging from that shit helped realign some of my perceptions. that was a few years ago, shortly after Cambridge Analytica which I naively thought would have been the nail in the coffin for a lot more people but which was basically ignored.

    About YouTube:
    Use an Extension/Add-On like Clean Up Youtube.
    It allows you to:
    Clean Up Youtube Extension
    Only watch your subscriptions -or- videos linked from watmm.

    • Like 1
  10. On 1/18/2021 at 1:40 AM, onecaseman said:

    I beat Resident Evil 3 remake. I thought it was great, so I don't get the hate. Yeah, it is shorter than RE2, but pretty fun. I think I'm going with Subnautica next since people seem to be suggesting to wait on Fallen Order until I can get my hands on a PS5.


    Loved Subnautica. Underwater Exploration. Immersive. Mystery. Survival. Crafting. 

  11. 4 hours ago, ignatius said:


    lol+facepalm+sadface @ that tweet of Mike Pence:
    "I’m proud to report with just a few days left in our Administration, our Administration is the first in decades that did not get America into a new war. That’s Peace through Strength."

    Isn't it just plain sad that not starting a war (or for that matter being involved in an undemocratic foreign regime change) in a period of 4 years is now seen as an accomplishment?

    Well, maybe it actually is sort of an accomplishment if you take a glance at this:
    - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States
    - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change

    Also, they almost started a war in their own country, and attempted a coup in their own country.
    So... yeah...


    • Like 2
  12. 11 minutes ago, rhmilo said:


    Wandering Earth (2019), a Chinese hit film based on a Liu Cixin (he of Three Body Problem fame) short story.

    Lots of explosions, people screaming and cgi. Entertaining, though.

    omglol @ the short description on IMDB:
    "As the sun is dying out, people all around the world build giant planet thrusters to move Earth out of its orbit and sail Earth to a new star system. Yet the 2500-year journey comes with unexpected dangers, and in order to save humanity, a group of young people in this age of a wandering Earth fight hard for the survival of humankind."

  13. The Boys (2019)

    Watching The Boys (2019)
    It's okay. I kinda like it. Maybe a bit overhyped though.
    I do like the idea that most superheroes evolve from wanting to better the world as a child, to becoming absolute a-holes who abuse their powers once they start working for corporate, and for some only later on understanding their mistakes.
    I imagine this is what would happen if there were indeed superheroes in the real world.
    Power corrupts.
    However, one major oversight most superhero movies/shows/comics have imo:
    In a world with policing superheroes people with less-than-honourable intentions would probably figure that traditional crime is just too risky, and that cyber-crime is the best way to go... There seem to be very little Cyber-Crime Superheroes...
    Just like in the real world: "Cyber-Crime already surpasses Traditional Crime, in terms of impact and monetary cost..."

  14. 2020 - 43 - Autechre - SIGN, PLUS
    2020 - 20 - Squarepusher - Be Up A Hello
    2020 - 13 - Oneohtrix Point Never - Magic Oneohtrix Point Never
    2020 - 9 - Autechre - AE_LIVE 2016/2018 (Live)
    2020 - 8 - dgoHn - Undesignated Proximate
    2020 - 8 - Monolake - Archaeopteryx
    2020 - 8 - Morphology - Horta Proxima
    2020 - 7 - Actress - Karma and Desire
    2020 - 6 - Against All Logic - 2017-2019
    2020 - 6 - Alva Noto - Xerrox Vol. 4
    2020 - 6 - Andrea - Ritorno
    2020 - 6 - Atom™ - <3
    2020 - 6 - Daniel Avery and Alessandro Cortini - Illusion Of Time
    2020 - 6 - DJ Python - Mas Amable
    2020 - 6 - Hum - Inlet
    2020 - 6 - Kruder and Dorfmeister - 1995
    2020 - 6 - Rian Treanor - File Under UK Metaplasm
    2020 - 6 - Synalegg - Beating the Odds
    2020 - 6 - The Fear Ratio - They Can't Be Saved
    2020 - 5 - Beatrice Dillon - Workaround
    2020 - 5 - Daniel Avery - Love + Light
    2020 - 5 - Deftones - Ohms
    2020 - 5 - Grischa Lichtenberger - Kamilhan; il y a péril en la demeure
    2020 - 5 - Machinedrum - A View of U
    2020 - 5 - Nathan Fake - Blizzards
    2020 - 5 - Shinichi Atobe - Yes
    2020 - 4 - Aleksi Perälä - Spectrum 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
    2020 - 4 - CS + Kreme - Snoopy
    2020 - 4 - Domenique Dumont - People On Sunday (Soundtrack)
    2020 - 4 - Four Tet - Sixteen Oceans
    2020 - 4 - Gábor Lázár - Source
    2020 - 4 - Grimes - Miss Anthropocene
    2020 - 4 - Lorenzo Senni - Scacco Matto
    2020 - 5 - Luke Vibert - Recepticon
    2020 - 4 - Melted_Self - Spectral Disorder
    2020 - 4 - Pole - Fading
    2020 - 4 - Richard Devine - Systik (EP)
    2020 - 4 - SDEM - ZNS
    2020 - 4 - Ulla - Tumbling Towards A Wall
    2020 - 4 - Volruptus - First Contact
    2020 - 4 - Yves Tumor - Heaven To A Tortured Mind
    2020 - 3 - Asa Tone - Temporary Music
    2020 - 3 - Carl Finlow - Apparatus
    2020 - 3 - Charli XCX - how i'm feeling now
    2020 - 3 - Cindy Lee - What's Tonight To Eternity
    2020 - 3 - Cylob - 54 Minute Mirage
    2020 - 3 - Darren Nye - A Clear Vision Organically Modified
    2020 - 3 - Deerhoof - Love-Lore
    2020 - 3 - Fleet Foxes - Shore
    2020 - 3 - ignatius - Bundle Drift (EP)
    2020 - 3 - Ital Tek - Dream Boundary (EP)
    2020 - 3 - Jam City - Pillowland
    2020 - 3 - John Beltran - The Season Series (Compilation)
    2020 - 3 - Julianna Barwick - Healing Is A Miracle
    2020 - 3 - K-Lone - Cape Cira
    2020 - 3 - Kate NV - Room For The Moon
    2020 - 3 - Kettel - Dwingeloo Life Extension
    2020 - 3 - Kiln - Astral Welder
    2020 - 3 - Krust - The Edge Of Everything
    2020 - 3 - Minor Science - Second Language
    2020 - 3 - Nebulo - Parallaxes
    2020 - 3 - Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts V Together
    2020 - 3 - Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher
    2020 - 3 - Pontiac Streator - Triz
    2020 - 3 - Rafael Anton Irisarri - Peripeteia
    2020 - 3 - Rob Clouth - Zero Point
    2020 - 3 - Roger Eno and Brian Eno - Mixing Colours
    2020 - 3 - RX-101 - Serenity
    2020 - 3 - Shackleton and Wacław Zimpel - Primal Forms
    2020 - 3 - The Future Sound Of London - Cascade 2020 (Rerelease)
    2020 - 3 - The Orb - Abolition Of The Royal Familia
    2020 - 3 - Vladislav Delay - Rakka
    2020 - 3 - William Basinski - Lamentations
    2020 - 3 - Zenker Brothers - Cosmic Transmission
    2020 - 2 - Aleksi Perälä - Oscillation 1, 2
    2020 - 2 - Cignol - Guidance Release (EP)
    2020 - 2 - 1995 epilepsy - 1995 epilepsy
    2020 - 2 - AceMo - Mind Jungle
    2020 - 2 - Actress - 88
    2020 - 2 - Andras - Joyful
    2020 - 2 - Anunaku - Stargate (EP)
    2020 - 2 - Arca - Kick I
    2020 - 2 - Atom™ and Jacek Sienkiewicz - STAL
    2020 - 2 - Autechre - AE_ONESIX_EXCLUSIVES
    2020 - 2 - Bibio - Sleep On The Wing (EP)
    2020 - 2 - Boris Divider - Generative Operations (EP)
    2020 - 2 - Boxcutter - Béaloideas
    2020 - 2 - Buspin Jieber - V.H.S. Volcanic, Harmonic, Sounds
    2020 - 2 - Caribou - Suddenly
    2020 - 2 - Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated Side B
    2020 - 2 - Celia Hollander - Recent Futures
    2020 - 2 - Chris Douglas - Anam Dubh Marbhtach
    2020 - 2 - Chris Douglas - Lsnsp Plsns
    2020 - 2 - Chromeo - Quarantine Casanova
    2020 - 2 - Cignol - Radiant Process (EP)
    2020 - 2 - Colours Of Infinity - Ekeu
    2020 - 2 - Craven Faults - Erratics and Unconformities
    2020 - 2 - Critical Amnesia - Critical Amnesia
    2020 - 2 - Cut Copy - Freeze, Melt
    2020 - 2 - D.K. - Live At The Edge (Live)
    2020 - 2 - Dan Deacon - Mystic Familiar
    2020 - 2 - Datassette - Void Fill Product
    2020 - 2 - Digitonal - Set the Weather Fair
    2020 - 2 - DJ Metatron - Loops Of Infinity
    2020 - 2 - DMX Krew - Ghost Bubbles
    2020 - 2 - DuMa - Duma
    2020 - 2 - EOD - Zone (EP)
    2020 - 2 - exm - LS16 (EP)
    2020 - 2 - Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters
    2020 - 2 - Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist - Alfredo
    2020 - 2 - George Clanton and Nick Hexum - George Clanton and Nick Hexum
    2020 - 2 - Halt - Memory Fields
    2020 - 2 - Hypna - Data Recovery (EP)
    2020 - 2 - Jerry La Flim - Just Connect
    2020 - 2 - Jodey Kendrick - FTP
    2020 - 2 - Jodey Kendrick - WTFLOL
    2020 - 2 - John Frusciante - Maya
    2020 - 2 - Jon Collin and Demdike Stare - Sketches Of Everything
    2020 - 2 - Jon Hassell - Seeing Through Sound
    2020 - 2 - Kassem Mosse - Scorched Erden
    2020 - 2 - Keith Fullerton Whitman - Resonators
    2020 - 2 - Kelpe - Run With the Floating, Weightless Slowness
    2020 - 2 - Khruangbin - Mordechai
    2020 - 2 - Legowelt - Pancakes With Mist
    2020 - 2 - Low Budget Aliens - Junk DNA
    2020 - 2 - Luke Abbott - Translate
    2020 - 2 - Luke Vibert - Presents Amen Andrews
    2020 - 2 - Matmos - The Consuming Flame: Open Exercises In Group Form
    2020 - 2 - Melted_Self - ONE.LINE
    2020 - 2 - Melted_Self - PATTERN SHIFT
    2020 - 2 - Mong Tong - Mystery
    2020 - 2 - Mr. Bungle - The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny Demo
    2020 - 2 - Nicolas Jaar - Telas
    2020 - 2 - Oval - Scis
    2020 - 2 - Paul Hierophant - Utopian Dystopias Part 3
    2020 - 2 - Perfume Genius - Set My Heart on Fire Immediately
    2020 - 2 - Primitive World - The Revolt Of Aphrodite
    2020 - 2 - Real Estate - The Main Thing
    2020 - 2 - Regis - Hidden In This Is The Light That You Miss
    2020 - 2 - Roméo Poirier - Hotel Nota
    2020 - 2 - rRine - Eaciv+ (Rerelease)
    2020 - 2 - RTR - PlanetX
    2020 - 2 - Run The Jewels - RTJ4
    2020 - 2 - Russ Gabriel - Ancestors, Aurology
    2020 - 2 - Scanner - An Ascent
    2020 - 2 - Sewerslvt - Draining Love Story
    2020 - 2 - Shifted - The Dirt on Our Hands
    2020 - 2 - Slikback - ///
    2020 - 2 - Special Guest DJ - Spring, Summer 2020
    2020 - 2 - Squarepusher - Lamental (EP)
    2020 - 2 - Stazma - Shapeshifter
    2020 - 2 - Steve Roach - Tomorrow
    2020 - 2 - Tame Impala - The Slow Rush
    2020 - 2 - TASE - TASE
    2020 - 2 - Taylor Swift - Folklore
    2020 - 2 - The Black Dog - Fragments
    2020 - 2 - The Microphones - Microphones in 2020
    2020 - 2 - The Soft Pink Truth - Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase?
    2020 - 2 - The Weeknd - After Hours
    2020 - 2 - Thomas Köner - Motus
    2020 - 2 - Torn Hawk - Here Comes Language
    2020 - 2 - Undiagnosed - We Are
    2020 - 2 - Various Artists - Still in my arms (Compilation)
    2020 - 2 - Vladislav Delay, Sly Dunbar, Robbie Shakespeare - 500-Push-Up
    2020 - 2 - wAgAwAgA - omkajikijai
    2020 - 2 - William Tyler - New Vanitas
    2020 - 2 - Wire - Mind Hive
    2020 - 2 - Yaeji - What We Drew
    2020 - 0 - Pye Corner Audio - Where Things Are Hollow 2 (EP)
    2020 - 0 - Heinrich Müller and The Exaltics - Dimensional Shifting


    • Like 5
    • Thanks 4
  15. On 1/13/2021 at 11:10 PM, toaoaoad said:

    What's with all the deftones hate? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you need to be a prick about it

    Oh wait this is watmm 

    Short Answer: It's the internet.
    But I feel like WATMM is still quite well moderated in that regard.
    Sure there are some new trolls, haters, shit-posts and even heavy insults from time to time but they tend to get moderated / banned, as one can always report replies or ignore users.
    I don't think rudeness online in general will ever really change. That's the nature of the beast.

    In this case here I think the comments were quite tame. (no direct insults to you?)

    • Like 2
  16. On 1/13/2021 at 8:06 PM, perunamuusi said:

    CN - NU (2014) is the best album from that whole period though so all of these lists are void


    Mods please delete thread

    It's in the top 5 of 2014 according to WATMM. I love that album too.

  17. On 1/13/2021 at 1:37 AM, toaoaoad said:


    So did you only count the ones that had two or more nominations? I don't see the Jonas Munk album on your list

    Jonas Munk (Manual) - Minimum Resistance has 1 nomination. (toaoaoad)
    Full list is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15K9YXfSWbGORA6juBPnx9u0DDti2P8geEMhnEg6BoNU/edit#gid=0

    On 1/13/2021 at 2:28 AM, perunamuusi said:

    Does anyone have a list of all the album of the year winners (or top 3) of every year that watmm has compiled such a list?

    For the years 2011 to 2021 I use WATMM as a base for my big-ass list of music:

    • Like 1
  18. On 1/12/2021 at 10:14 PM, demo said:

    Bit late but these are my personal favourite albums of the year

    1. Figueroa (aka. Amon Tobin) - The World As We Know It
    2. Wagon Christ - Recepticon
    3. Autechre - Onesix
    4. Squarepusher - Be Up a Hello
    5. Autechre - SIGN & PLUS
    6. Daniel Avery - Love + Light
    7. Oneohtrix Point Never - Magic
    8. John Frusciante - Maya

    I'll add these to the list.

    On 1/12/2021 at 11:16 PM, Ivan Ooze said:

    so let me get this straight, arca - kick(i) didn't even get 3 nominations



    As of now it has 2 nominations. (Ivan Ooze, Ayya Khema)

    On 1/12/2021 at 11:23 PM, Ivan Ooze said:

    would add playboi carti - whole lotta red to my list 2

    not joking



    Adding it to the list.

  19. 2 hours ago, Echolalia said:

    Using CEMU? What controls are you using Maarten?

    Yup Cemu 1.22.4.
    Game is Europe v208.
    Xbox 360 controller emulating the Wii U GamePad with Xbox One UI Complete GUI mod.
    I use my phone as a gyroscope for some puzzles. (MotionSource apk)
    Mods / Graphics Packs:
    - Camera: Classic FOV
    - Enhancements: Clarity Serfrost's Preset (Dim Display), No Depth of Field
    - Graphics: Resolution (2560x1440)
    - FPS++: Camera Sensitivity (1.4x), Day Length (48 minutes)
    - OpenGL Workarounds: Nvidia Explosion Smoke, Nvidia Stretched Clouds, LWZX Crash
    Looks and plays better on PC than on WiiU/Switch imo.

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