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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by encey

  1. oh man I remember when I 'got' (lol) ipacial section as well. I was smokin a joint and a realized that the section starting at 5:23 with the repetitive 8th note thing on top was actually a very beautiful melody, before I had only heard it as noise. But I could hear the tones in it and I was like "holy mother of god"

    right on! I also love the volume dip & swell of those bell sounds at 3:21


    also the bouncy-ball drums and the pretty background melody in teh middle of Augmatic Disport


    and the sloppy beats with teh decelerando hi-hat at the end of Iera



  2. that horn stab is pretty sweet -- if it wasn't so sharp, you could call it 'lush.' but you can't.


    LCC is the shit, too. Unlike the first track on Oversteps, it has both a lush melody and a good beat. I know ae are masters at making their hits precisely off-beat, but I just can't hear track #1's drumbeat as anything but a mistake, or sloppy. It just doesn't have the same kind of ... drumlush ... to it. I do like the pads, though.


    I love that 1457 or whatever track -- it's like Skull Snap donkeypunched Oversteps. (not condoning donkeypunching btw, unless it's a mixed drink from Guy Fieri's Foodtown USA restaurant)

  3. Ram D'Ass - Pee Here Now

    tee hee



    Paedma Childron - When Things Paul a Fart

    Wailin Atts - Oat: The Watersports Way

    Tit Hot Mamh - Pee Free Where You Are

    Peevin' P. Gopee - The 7 Habits of Highly Erective Pee-Poles

    Bob Pervsick - Zen and the Fart of Bonercycle Batenance


    sorry i'm 12 and what is this

  4. No! Surripere is the best ae track evarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!


    Why is Sublimit your favorite? It's really cool, and the choppy stabs at the end are fucking cool. But it doesn't have anything like the lush melody at teh end of LCC or the the Surripere pads, or the sweet breakdown of Augmatic Disport -- so what makes it their best track?

  5. Yoko Solo

    Ack Bar feat. Mos Eis and Tarkin Kweli

    Wolfgang Amidala Mozart

    Darth Brooks (of course)

    Jabba O'Riley

    Jar Jars of Clay

    Calrissa Etheridge

    Greedo Green


    Palpatine Hunger Force

    Chew Baccharach

    Husker Dooku

    Django Reinfett

    Jimmy Bobafett

    R2 of Noise


    Owl Sidious

    Yoyo Da


    Greivous and Butthead

    Qui-Gon Kick

    Adie Vader

    Kenobi Teith

    Maul Sithmon


    Jediski Tarquin and Wook

    Watto Von Skywalk

    Win Dus Mace

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