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Posts posted by Echolalia

  1. Just finished Savage Detectives by Bolano. Life changing stuff and will make the reader question their own way of life. His books make you want to live in a way true to yourself nothing tainted or noone to pander to.


    Then read Adult World I and II by Foster Wallace which tells you more than you ever needed to know about the examined relationship between a married couple. So american and reminiscient of the husband jacking off with the porn stars panties over his face in Little Creatures. His books are like macroscopic views of society.

  2. Thanks for that v.interesting. My friend in Athens is from Volos where Vangelis lives, apparently he lives in a big house which over the years has become a sort of musician's commune where anything goes.

  3. The Aviator, review lifted off my new Letterboxd account




    Although it's first and foremost a biopic of Howard Hughes, an extraordinary but troubled director and aviator during the early-to-mid 20th century, The Aviator is essentially Scorsese's love letter to Hollywood's golden age. The color grading and music, together with stellar set pieces and actors' performances, does a wonderful job of reeling you into the time period. The cold two-tone technicolor emulation of the first half of the film may be off-putting to some, but I embraced it as part of the film's charm. Those faded blues have a certain shimmer to them. The later three-tone color is absolutely lush and an invigorating respite from the all-too-common bleak pictures of present day.


    The film unfortunately struggles with uneven pacing and suffers from it's roughly 2hr40min of run time, as is typical for a Scorsese film but more prominent this time. As the story moves on to Hughes' relationship dramas and economic problems, it kind of dithers and peters out, although the way it portrays his OCD problems is gripping. Leo DiCaprio still carries the story with ease as he has a knack for eccentric, passionate and subtly psychotic individuals, especially under Scorsese's direction (just look at Shutter Island and The Wolf Of Wall Street!). Cate Blanchett struck me as particularly lovely in her portrayal of Katharine Hepburn, and Adam Scott's old-time radio accent is just tip-top. Golly!

    Lifts cap to the gentleman. Bravo!
  4. Get Out - Jordan Peele did a great job on this, I liked the multiple layers of social commentary combined with dark humor. And you can't go wrong with Stephen Root.

    Get Outta Here! Remind me to never visit my girlfriend's white parents in an affluent suburban cultural void.
  5. That trailer looks alright. Villeneuve's earlier film about that shooting in a canadian college was v.intense, he loves a good change/burst of pace dont he? Anything involving the Tyrell corp has to be good right? Dr Eldon to come back like Lance Henriksen in Alien3?

  6. Had a big meeting with my PhD supervisors today, both lovely guys, but it looks like unless I go out into the real world and do some interviews and shit then my thesis is in the crapper. Problem is I have absolutely no idea who to talk to/how to approach this. Thinking of talking to people in software/app design because I'm interested in the way people's personal data can be used to map out a picture of them and then intervene in stuff that until recently was totally private, e.g. health apps and the way they kind of 'nudge' people into certain choices. But again, not really sure how to approach this.


    Kind of a relief in some ways, I've hit a bit of a wall with desk-based/analytical stuff and it's probably something I needed to be pushed into but hoooo boy, have I got a lot of work to do.

    Good luck. Mate just got a job with OFGEM after finishing his PhD in airplane carbon offsetting. Any scholarships open to you?
  7. Got three ways of playing cassettes - 


    Sony Top Loader

    Yamaha KX-493 found at a car boot (cleaned it up, sounds great)

    Sony Walkman


    Playing cassettes you sorta realise how shite the sound is/was but for wobble and distortion of the intended playback nothing else comes close. Got a load of Guided By Voices and some Mark Lanegan solo albums on tape recently, takes me back. Those Nmesh tape releases are just so good to listen to on tape as well. 

  8. The documentary The Art Life about Lynch gives you more information about his time in Philadelphia and everything in his life up to his first film. I remember the doc talking about the filming of Eraserhead in his art studio contained in the cellar of his house. The best part in the film is when he is driving, as it's so normal compared to the rest of the film with him in creative mode, always smoking. 

  9. At IFFR in Rotterdam, Wheatley introduced Free-Fire then did a Q&A after. Before the film started he said "See this film on the biggest screen you can find and the loudest soundsystem, this setting is perfect" Seemed a good bloke. 

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