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12 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

the kitchen is freely available for anyone to bake bread, if they don't know how they can follow the guides programmed into AR glasses until they do know how

just to clarify, i was being sarcastic, but let me tell you something:

in my life I have encountered many people who realized the world's logic is turned upside down and inside out and went out and done something about it. Men, women and kids and teenagers, working on organizing local food supply and production, competing every single fucking day against the huge corps in price/performance and legal issues. Yes, the corpos are trying to "drain the pond" to make it hard for anyone else to make a substantial earning by lobbying for legislation or using their financial leverage to out-compete the local producers. They did not sit at home and daydream about some tech-supported utopia (which is mostly self-serving naive bullshit). Their hands work the soil, they try to make most of the meagre profits with ingenuity and creativity. My line of work is such that I can directly support them, and help them reach further and wider. There's a reality beyond the computer screen bubbles. It requires to forgo many comforts and illusions, but it's here, and it's working.

Edited by cichlisuite
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