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some advice...


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Well one day I decided to make a remix of some Runescape music............it came out real nice but I had to rush the bouncing (my whole studio was dismantled as I'm moving) and some things came out horribly un-equalized. There's one spot where a bad-ass synth comes in, and its soo loud and overpowering, but then it quickly fades away, as I turned it down. I don't have the project anymore so i'm stuck with only this recording.


The spot is at 1:29 and a big saw synth comes in...does anyone have any advice as to what I should do in that spot to make it sound better?



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Without the original project this is going to be pretty hard for you to salvage unfortunately. It's easy to hear the point where the saw is quickly turned down when you realise it's too loud. Do you have the recording as a Wav or just the Mp3? Even if you tried to turn down that point in a wav editor, without having any control of the original individual channels to play with, the whole mix will be effected. Sorry to sound obvious but honestly, you'd be better starting from scratch. At least you can use this recording as reference so you can get as close to your original idea as possible, second time around.

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hmmm well thanks for the advice, I'm thinking about maybe taking a similar bar at that point and blending it with the loud part, it might work...and if that fails I guess I should start out from scratch as you said.

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open wav in editor

copy the identical section from a few bars further on where the synth is quieter

delete (or mute) the bars that are too loud

paste the quieter bars in the same location

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