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If You Were To Chose Your Favorite Album Out Of These Choices...


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If you were to chose from:


Saw 85-92


Come To Daddy (Alright it's an EP but a big EP!)


I Care Because You Do





Which one would you chose?

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Guest Kenneth172

This is a remedial post, what would be the point of choosing one favourite? Maybe if you'd extended the list to something more comprehensive or stated your reasoning for offering us those particular three choices, it would be worth responding.



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Heh heh.




I didn't want to tell you why the choices were as they were because I was embarassed about it. :tongue2:


These are all Aphex Twin albums I don't have and I am curious about them to see how they are rated among fans.

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Guest earlgrey
These are all Aphex Twin albums I don't have and I am curious about them to see how they are rated among fans.

Get them all ... they're all from RDJ's golden era, and are totally different to each other.

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Get them all ... they're all from RDJ's golden era, and are totally different to each other.


Well that's the plan in the long run. Just one step at a time, don't want to damage my fragile mind. :confused:

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Get them all ... they're all from RDJ's golden era, and are totally different to each other.


Well that's the plan in the long run. Just one step at a time, don't want to damage my fragile mind. :confused:

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Guest Kenneth172
Hmm, thanks earlgrey and caustic so far looks like I'll be off to purchase SAW this afternoon. :happy:


In that case, if you don't have any of those albums, I can help. Get SAW - arguably a milestone in electronic music and the best introduction to the world of Aphex Twin. :rolleyes:

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Guest earlgrey
I would have said go for ICBYD, purely because it contains two of my favourite tracks!

Ventolin's only on ICBYD once

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Guest Lester Chaykin
If you were to chose from:


Saw 85-92


Come To Daddy (Alright it's an EP but a big EP!)


I Care Because You Do





Which one would you chose?



why do you care?

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Guest AOOproductions

For me SAW. Because I heard all his albums in order, I can't imagine what it would be like to listen to them out of order. Plus it's a good intro. But please don't skip to Come to Daddy, it will be worth it so much more if you wait.

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Guest Kenneth172
For me SAW. Because I heard all his albums in order, I can't imagine what it would be like to listen to them out of order. Plus it's a good intro. But please don't skip to Come to Daddy, it will be worth it so much more if you wait.


That's a very good point. If you're a newcomer to Aphex, listen to everything he's done in order to really see how he's developed over the years.

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why do you care?


I beleive we've already been over this. :confused:




So, the general idea is that SAW is the best introduction but that ICBYD is the more interesting of the two.

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