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techno track


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hi all... i started a techno(ish?) track a couple of weeks ago and haven't had time to get back to it... but wanted to see if anyone liked it before moving forward...


track can be found here: http://www.myspace.com/paintedrust


(its the only one there)


any comments are appreciated.




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Not bad, was surprised at the floaty ambience of it, it's definitely more uplifting and trippy than straight out techno, the time signatures are interesting, definitely not straight ahead enough to put it on a dance floor, it's quite chilled. Btw, dunno if it's a corrupt mp3 or just an unfinished track but this just ends abruptly without warning, sounding like it shouldn't because it happens just as the track is building nicely.


P.s- ah, just read your post again, guess it is unfinished. You should carry on with it. : )

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Reminds me a little of B12. The rhythms have that B12 vibe to them. Yeah not too bad. The transition didn't seem to totally fit. Good thick layered production but I don't know if I'm 100% feeling the choice of harmonies. Personally I feel like there is a little too much reverb on those pads. I can certainly here potential in this though.

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thanks very much for listening and for your comments.


i've updated the track, put an ending on.. and incorporated some of the suggestions. (i uploaded the track in case anyone wants to hear).




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erichodge, a really nice track you have there, i was all of a sudden chilling out to it. and i loved that sort of robotic vocoded voice you hear in there every so often, brilliant, nice one. sets a good atmosphere overall

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i like how the drums aren't completely straightforward, although for the sake of a more consistent groove i wish they settled down into more or less a loop at some point.


maybe you should put a new sound or part when the drums drop out at 1:22; that's kind of abrupt. and after that would be a cool time for a minimal bassline, just a few notes here and there. then the track wouldn't sound so sparse.


the shimmery effects on the pads are cool, and i like the lower, buzzier synth that comes in. would like to hear more of that.


yeah, i definitely think the bassline could totally make this song more melodic and focused. especially if it interacts with teh recurring, higher synth line.


at 3:22 or so the synths change some; that would be a cool place to put in a different bassline or synth and some new drums, as a sort of 'bridge' before you return to the original parts and end the song.




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thanks againto those who have listened and those who have commented.


the suggestions are good ones. i am currently working on a track for a local soundclash, but once that is done, i'm going to head back over to this one and try to incorporate some of these suggestions, some of which i had also been thinking...




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