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This is a blend between ambient chillout and upbeat techno, I had tons of fun making it, it's got a lot of little random elements, samples, doodlings. It's very visual and I love that kind of music, so I'm very happy with it.




If you are into trippy ambient shoegaze moods or just want to kill some time, check it out.

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Guest tht! tne

i would like to hear this

i've enjoyed your music in the past

just couldn't get it downloaded though

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oh and yeah, it's made with ableton, finally got that sorted. i made it by myself but we're doing some fun stuff for the kompakt duo project. for your troubles, and since I don't think i've posted it, here's a new track from the kompakt duo: http://media.putfile.com/Kompakt-Duo---Why-Not-77

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Guest tht! tne
it's a problem for other people too, I just don't like streaming audio sites and that one works for me

anyway, try this



i feel bad admitting this but after a few minutes i skipped around instead of listening straight through

i didn't think the ideas on display warranted the track length, and i just couldn't engage with the track satisfactorily

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it's a problem for other people too, I just don't like streaming audio sites and that one works for me

anyway, try this



i feel bad admitting this but after a few minutes i skipped around instead of listening straight through

i didn't think the ideas on display warranted the track length, and i just couldn't engage with the track satisfactorily


Yeah I'm totally aware of that, I understand it, it was made with the purpose of being pretty long and repetitive so I appreciate it in that aspect, i like to experiment with both repetitiveness and constant change

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