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Ascent to the Observer


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the only advice i can give would be to tap it out instead of sequencing it, so that it isnt so quantized and has a more 'natural' flow with the rest of the track

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I need/want a drum machine :unhappy:

For now i have to stick with making fm-sine wave bd kicks in sound forge and piecing them by hand. I'm gonna get carpal tunnel syndrome if I keep this up.

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Guest vodor

i recommend sampling for bass drums. even sampling some random higher freq tonal stuff, finding a good blip in it, pitching it down, adding some snap at the front, and some fade and whatever else makes some fast and easy and often interesting bass drums.


i do it all in soundforge. it's a lot more fun and rewarding than synthesis.

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Guest tht! tne
just fiddling around with what i have: a couple keyboards, a guitar, and a computer with lots of useful software. Started back in 2004 mixing a couple psy-trance songs while inspired by infected mushroom. Then I dug back into my collection of music and really rediscovered Boards of Canada. They struck a chord and opened a portal for me to just screw around with sound waves, destroy them until they sound pleasant and magnificent.


sounds like you've accomplished your goal

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i recommend sampling for bass drums. even sampling some random higher freq tonal stuff, finding a good blip in it, pitching it down, adding some snap at the front, and some fade and whatever else makes some fast and easy and often interesting bass drums.


i do it all in soundforge. it's a lot more fun and rewarding than synthesis.


Ya, I sample it too. But sometimes I like to start from scratch for bass lines. Tbh, most of the percussion i use are sampled, cut pieces from full songs. In fact the percussion sounds for Hidden Mana and a White Pebble was sampled from Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy. It cut up each little sound in the drum line and pieced it together the way I wanted it to sound. Spent a ton of time on that song's percussion. Spent a lot less time on this new one. From now on I'm just gonna go nuts on all the aspects of the songs and kick my own ass for getting tired of meticulously tedious tasks so I can keep at it.

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I as well found the bass drum very iffy. But you used brilliant chords I have to say! I almost think this could function better with a different approach to the percussion...

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I like this a lot along with lot's of your music.


What I like is you tend to do really simple things with your tracks but in a way that is executed so perfectly that it only helps to add to the song.


I don't like the sound of the bass drum on this either though.


I agree about the chords they are Lush.

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It's settled, I'm re-doing the percussion. Although the percussion starting at 1:38, I'm leaving that beat. But I'm changing the way it comes back into the song the couple times after wards. I made the song late late at night, and the percussion was the last thing I added. So it was to an extent slapped on. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Before I pop the song with redone percussion on myspace, I wanted to get you fine folks to give me your opinion on what I did with it.



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I like this a lot better...now the drums remind me of the kind of really over the top psychedelic stuff from the early 90's. Real nice track.


Awesome, thanks. Anyone else agree, disagree?

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