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broken bones thread

Guest JohnTqs

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i also broke my right hand playing tether ball by missing the ball and smashing my fist into the metal pole.


Jesus, I have such a vivid image of this built in my head except you were probably young Essines and I'm imagining furled current Essines haha. It must have caused an epic *DONG* that reverberated throughout the land


no, i think the pole was filled with concrete or something cause it just made kind of a thud and weird hand crack noises.


i also forgot to mention that i broke my middle knuckle on my right hand by punching my friend in the back of the head cause he dumped water on me.


also yesterday i saw a guy on the bus who looked like his head had been cracked in half because he had a huge u shaped scar that went from ear to ear over the top of his head. he was blind, but young. i wanted to ask what happened.

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I broke my wrist when I was 8 years old. I was climbing a chain link fence being shot at by some kids who had a BB gun. I jumped from the top, but my ankle got caught. I hung upside down for a few seconds until my slip-on Vans came off, and I fell on my hand.


I re-broke that wrist when I was 10 playing dodge ball. One of my sixth grade classmates, who was huge and looked about 25, threw the ball and slammed my hand back in the same way it broke the first time.


When I was 16 I got a broken finger, or "boxer's fracture," by punching some kid in the head. I was the the 3rd person in six months to break their finger punching this same kid's head. He had a hard, but punchable head.

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Guest countchocula

As I said in the share amazing facts about yourself thread my right radial head is titanium due to being passenger in a bad car accident. I broke my left forearm twice, once on my bike and once I fell backwards and landed on it wrong.

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Guest JohnTqs

my bro broke his jaw when he was 8ish. our neighbor was his age and had just gotten his first pair of golf clubs. so we were just practicing smacking balls out of his backyard, my retarded bro stood right behind my neighbor while my neighbor swung back..he brought the club back really quickly, went right into my bro's jaw, on the right side. he broke his jaw on the right side of his mouth, and on the left. for a month he had to wear like braces on his teeth so that his jaw wouldn't move. all he could eat was smoothies.

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Guest thanksomuch

i have broken all of my toes at least twice (played soccer most of my life) and the very last time i broke a toe was at fucking walmart of all places, in the garden section. I tried to dodge another customer that was not looking where she was going and caught my left little toe on the wheel of a lawn mower -_-...


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"fell" off a swing when i was five, gashed my head open, and tried to break my fall with my right arm, elbow came out of it's socket.


Having "fell" in quotations makes it sound ominous; like what abused women say at the ER "oh, I just fell down the stairs." I hope it was just an innocent fall!

"fell" is what i told the doctors :angry:

i jumped



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I broke my right arm whilst skateboarding... my forearm looked like an L. Broke a few fingers and toes, broke my thumb once and never had it looked at which is a sad shame. I broke me left arm while playing flag football in highschool PE... this jock was pissed because us non-jocks were beating him and on the final play of the game when I jumped for the ball he took my feet out. I did a few flips and landed with all my weight on my left arm and it snapped the same way it did when I was skateboarding.


When that healed... my first day back to PE we were playing flag football again and the very first play of the game I catch the kickoff and this little squirt runs full speed and jumps with his head out as I was doing a spin move and smashed his forehead right into my nose and broke it. I had to set it myself... it was terrible.

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