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do you think it would be possible to eliminate advertising?

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

ive noticed my whole life, the bombardment of advertising shoved in my face, ive always hated it. i accepted it eventually, but now im seeing it again in a new light. fuck advertising. fuck its purpose, and fuck its result. why should the minority person/group have the privilege of posting a gigantic picture or slogan or whatever in the vision of millions of not only uninterested people, but of people who hate it and would take the chance of destroying the makers of the ads just for the years of ad subjection they have endured. this is fucking visual litter! how is that any different that a piece of garbage on the sidewalk, other than the fact that some prick is trying to be a sneaky douche bag


you can barely go anywhere on the internet these days it seems, without having to decipher what part of a site is advertising, and what part of the site can actually provide useful information. so many sites out there are at least a third covered in ads for you to click on. that concept alone sucks, let alone them trying to trick innocent and naive people into buying shit they dont need. and all just because some jackass doesnt want to leave his house to go out to do real work, so he rapes the internet in all of its vulnerabilities, and we have to just sit around and take it like a little bitch.


dont even get me started on the millions of webpages out there that try to "trick" you into purchasing something. i do a google search of something, and a few hundred sites pop up, none of which ive heard of, but im willing to check em out anyway. after clicking around here and there, i quickly realize that the site does not offer information or an actual service, but exists for the sole purpose of tricking people (via google searching), into coming onto their page to see the ads. this has happened to me countless times, and im in fucking awe, that there hasnt even been a group of people, that i know of, who have at least tried to stop this madness. everyone just fucking goes along with it all like they are powerless. that it is true to some extent, but when people start to realize the bullshit and come together, finally the bullshit starts to go away. but it will not ever go away, in fact it will worsen, if an anti-advertising organization isnt formed.


dont get me wrong. i understand the importance of advertising to people on a personal level, as well as in an economical/commercial way. without any form of advertising, people wouldnt know where to look for what, and it would be pretty confusing and chaotic to try to find shit. i also acknowledge the companies who advertise in a small way, and bring in just enough revenue to stay afloat. im not against these people in anyway. if you are trying to make money, good on ya, good luck. when it starts to fuck up my shit though, and everyone elses, to the point that everyone just submits, well, then, suddenly im not so friendly towards you. if you want to put up a sign in front of your store advertising super cheap bananas, thats fine. when you bombard almost every website with animated and sometimes even audio integrated shit, everywhere i go, then it becomes personal. you arent trying to get the word out anymore, you are trying to encapsulate my attention and psychologically manipulate me to hand over my hard earned cash to someone who not only doesnt deserved it, but has created harm to innocent people in doing so. and that, is what i fucking hate about advertising, and all the people behind it




that is what we all need to say to advertisers. "no". we do not except your form of marketing, as its having a negative effect on the lifestyle of the majority. we are not against you, just your methods of money making, and if you are unwilling to adapt to modern expectations, which is anti advertising, then we will be against you, and all of your efforts, and you will inevitably fall


the only balance i see in all of this, a balance between the consumer and the advertiser that is, is some kind of widely accessible database of advertisements, like an online catalog, in which all companies are listed and advertised fairly and equally. why should once company be able to make a larger ad than another company just because they have more money? now you can bring up freedom to advertise, and that if your are an entrepreneur you need to advertise, and without ads the economy would fail, blah blah blah. i dont disagree with those ideas. i disagree with the methods and models of advertising that companies are subjecting the masses to.....5 people decide what 5 million will see. fuck that!


a much better way for society to function i think, would be for there to be a giant online catalog, which fairly and equally lists all companies and business in your area or otherwise, based on category and types of companies and whatnot. a company would have say a certain amount of words, basically a controlled output of advertising...specified criteria for your advertising statement, a certain size of iage must be met, blah blah you get it now. without this kind of harmonious advertising, there will remain a constant struggle and battle for money and public presence


it cant continue on like this! i fucking hate advertising! so i image there are lots of other people who hate it too. and shitload of others who maybe dont hate it, but would join the effort to bring it down. im talking about a fucking world wide shutdown of advertising. i think the internet would be a good start. lets abolish advertising on the internet, then go from there


"oh but there is no control on the internet and that is what makes it so awesome"...that is true to some extent.

what im speaking of would be a grand social stigma against advertising on the net. there could be a database website where many people on the internet, could report advertising, then once the word is out that the said website has ads, there could be a "boycott" against it, and eventually the site would die. now i know most boycotts fails, because it depends upon the unwilling population to cooperate. that is why there needs to be a group/organization that takes matters into its own hands. if hundreds of people can control all the major internet websites, then i dont see why an equally small amount of people could get together to bring it all down. not in an anarchists way, but in a peacefully aggressive way. the said group/organization would make themselves known on a grand scale, and they would gain support of the millions of online users who would like to see ads go away


i dont know if any of this is bullshit, it just makes sense right now, i do know though that in the future, laws will be passed!

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Guest Gary C


Just don't look.


Although, to be fair, no. We'll never get rid of advertising. Ignoring it slows it down, but they'll only make it more invasive or personalised and therefore more annoying.

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Guest Gary C

The meaning behind all advertisements is 'buy', and as long as we're in a consumer driven society we're going to be ordered to buy stuff.

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Guest Helper ET
Have you ever heard of adblock?


have you ever walked outside?


The meaning behind all advertisements is 'buy', and as long as we're in a consumer driven society we're going to be ordered to buy stuff.


people will always need shit though, even if its food and clothes. these should be readily available thing to the public, but the public shouldnt have to be reminded 100s of times a day thats its there


Although, to be fair, no. We'll never get rid of advertising. Ignoring it slows it down, but they'll only make it more invasive or personalised and therefore more annoying.


i dont see why you think it will never stop. if advertising is becoming more finite as you describe, then couldnt that only lead to some kind of public snap?

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Guest Helper ET

people can make pretty objects with supplies from a craft store and not have to pay. but i suppose then they would have to have seen an ad, to know where to buy the supplies. this wont happen any time soon though, society is going more and more towards, "i give you money, you give me product", that only some kind borderline "terrorist" event would shake people out of their shoes, just the way 9/11 did, and suddenly people are finally willing to make a change

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specifically for online: use adblock plus. it's a firefox addon that blocks 99.9% of advertisements. i haven't seen any ads in YEARS. with bilboards and public advertising: don't know what to tell you, living in Toronto I see nothing but ads everywhere I look I just try to ignore them and focus on listening to IDM

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Guest taxman

as long as people are not all 100% self sufficient there will be advertising. if you develop a marketable skill you will need advertising too. you'll have to send a little advertisment to each prospective employer in the form of a resume, or demo cd, or promo card/business card, or whatever it is, and if you don't then nobody will even know you exist. you need advertising just like everyone else.


it's cool though, i can help you out if you need any photography for album covers or pictures of your art. just click the link in my sig :)

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Guest Helper ET
as long as people are not all 100% self sufficient there will be advertising. if you develop a marketable skill you will need advertising too. you'll have to send a little advertisment to each prospective employer in the form of a resume, or demo cd, or promo card/business card, or whatever it is, and if you don't then nobody will even know you exist. you need advertising just like everyone else.


i disagree with this to some extent. this is why i brought up the idea of a catalog. yes, it would seem that without advertising, nobody would know where to go for what. if there was a catlog available to everyone, probably an online one, similar to your phone book. you want pizza? you search up the letter P, and you have a bunch of companies available, yet they all have an euql amount of advertising opportunity...allotted text space, picture sizes, etc. its not fair that pizza hut can own an entire page in the phone book yet jimmy's pizza only gets a tiny little title with a phone number on the corner of the page


in fact, fuck images and text. there should just be the name of the company, and contact info. nothing else. anything else would be a form of invasive advertising. word of mouth shall be the dominant form of advertising, as it should be. look at the internet and the music industry. more than ever, with the internet, word of mouth is becoming the biggest form of advertising, despite its unintentionally doing so. this is a real and pure form of advertising that isnt overly selfish and immoral. if the product sucks, word will get around, and nobody will buy it. if its good, people will be drawn towards it. let us let the product determine how successful a company is, not the $20 000 000 television commercial


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Guest Karnov
i disagree with this to some extent. this is why i brought up the idea of a catalog. yes, it would seem that without advertising, nobody would know where to go for what. if there was a catlog available to everyone, probably an online one, similar to your phone book. you want pizza? you search up the letter P, and you have a bunch of companies available, yet they all have an euql amount of advertising opportunity...allotted text space, picture sizes, etc. its not fair that pizza hut can own an entire page in the phone book yet jimmy's pizza only gets a tiny little title with a phone number on the corner of the page


Hmm... so you're suggesting some kind of online system whereby you enter the details of the thing you're looking for and this site brings up a list. Like maybe some kind of "search" facility? That's a crazy idea, it'll never take off...

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Guest Helper ET

lots of people dont know this, but companies pay google and other search engines to be at the top of searches, so that when someone does a search, the official website usually comes up first, not a billion fan pages


only companies with lots of money can afford to do this, while the common independent store owner is waiting for people to see his site on page 17 of the google search

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Guest Gary C
lots of people dont know this, but companies pay google and other search engines to be at the top of searches, so that when someone does a search, the official website usually comes up first, not a billion fan pages


only companies with lots of money can afford to do this, while the common independent store owner is waiting for people to see his site on page 17 of the google search


Was it comfortable under that rock?

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Probably not, but I just read that "Ads now featuring real or mock orgasms are allowed to air in England before 11pm, The Telegraph reports. Britain's Advertising Standards Authority had previously set a pre-11pm restriction on such graphic advertisements."


WTF Britain.

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Guest 277: 930-933
Probably not, but I just read that "Ads now featuring real or mock orgasms are allowed to air in England before 11pm, The Telegraph reports. Britain's Advertising Standards Authority had previously set a pre-11pm restriction on such graphic advertisements."


WTF Britain.


There's probably an addendum preventing this but...does that mean you can show an ejaculating penis during daytime programming?

*thinks up new marketing plan for Yorkie bars*

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