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Sexism in Iraq War

Guest No Pomo

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I agree it's completely disgusting, but in a way, it's like slitting your wrists and jumping into a shark tank. Most of the guys that join the army [at least in America] are poor, uneducated dolts. It's not a big secret that they're mostly the jock type that would date rape a girl in the first place. I would hope that a woman that joins the service would be tough as fucking nails.



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Briantree you talk out of your arse! in your earlier post you slated women and said they should be kept out of combat, so you clearly do have a problem with them being in the air force or army!!


in reply to your earlier post:

just because a group is originally designed for and by men, does not mean that women should be subjected to rape and sexual harassment!! thats madness to think like that!! women join the army for exactly the same reasons most men do, to fight for their country, why should they not be allowed to do this just because some men can not deal with equal rights and feel the need to be sexist!!


in reply to your last post:

i hope your nearest fire station is solely made up of women and that you burn!


Your reading comprehension is quite low.


Women shouldn't be in combat because men are physically bigger, and the odds of a 5'3'' [the average female height in America] woman taking down a 6' man are not good. Having a ground force of big guys will be a lot more effective.


Although, if we're talking about the Air Force, I think it's completely understandable to have a woman in combat, since they should be able to fly a plane just as well as anybody.

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just to clarify, i don't think women shouldn't be in the army, just that it's not surprising if bad things happen to them when being on the front line - killing is a dark human attribute, just as is rape and so on.


from a completely logistical sense though, you'de have to be a complete divvy not to accept that males and females are different, but arguably the best armies are those that are advantageous through the 'symbiotic' nature of females and males. female emancipation was actually won in this country through their contribution to a war effort. women as comms, medics, and probably most importantly, factory workers (in place of those 'on the front', doing 'men's' work).


the problem with modern feminism is that it almost strives to emulate manliness to the extent of laughable parody and well, silliness. this is in place of a sex actually strengthening and embracing it's very nature, the same that has propped up and has been instrumental in winning wars. it's a joke nowadays.


i know im going very tangent-ways, but i'm pissed and feeling the vagina love. so check - the country that has typically always been quite 'female strong', and the first european country to emancipate the fairer sex...



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you guys are acting as if we still peform anything resembling traditional warefare or 'combat' . if we did i can kind of understand where you are coming from.

The thing is most of our war is bombing from computer controlled or aided aircraft with little or no direct contact with any enemy troops. Has anybody here seen aerial maps of Fallejah before and after we did 'combat' there? and from the other side the majority of them fight the US occupation with improvised explosives and traps, again no direct combat.

So this imaginative concept of some sort of physical girth size of a man VS that of a woman performing better in combat is kind of silly to talk about imo. 40 years ago this discussion would have been relevant.

everything short of direct hand to hand combat i honestly can't understand why a woman wouldnt be able to do it.

perhaps the only thing i can point to that might make a woman slightly inferior at killing people is they have greater empathy on average for a fellow human than a male does. Empathy is a bad thing when your goal is to kill a lot of people.

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whoaa, seriously, not going back on myself as such, but i did actually delete a sentence where i said "not like this is important anymore in modern warfare". so shit, i guess i am going back on myself...


but yeah, truth. we've come to a point where war is becoming a video game. who's to say women can't play video games as well as men.

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yeah its disturbing on many levels for me that its because of war's metamorphosis into a videogame that there is some semblance of sexual equality in the military


it's funnier that on face value i took this as sardonic, when on retrospect it's sincere.

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yeah its disturbing on many levels for me that its because of war's metamorphosis into a videogame that there is some semblance of sexual equality in the military


it's funnier that on face value i took this as sardonic, when on retrospect it's sincere.


sardonic with kernel of sincerity, i think often people take a lot of my posts too seriously but its the Internets and my writing abilities aren't good enough so i can't blame anybody

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Well the policy of the US Military is that they can't be assigned to ground combat units anyway, so it's kind of a moot point.


A bit old, but relevant:




Pentagon rules dictate that women may not be assigned to ground combat units. That means they are not allowed to serve in the infantry or as special operations commandos.


But women are serving in support units as truck drivers, gunners, medics, military police, helicopter pilots and more.



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Pentagon rules dictate that women may not be assigned to ground combat units. That means they are not allowed to serve in the infantry or as special operations commandos.


But women are serving in support units as truck drivers, gunners, medics, military police, helicopter pilots and more.




when you posted it i just remembered the chris rock standup



women in the military? let them in, because i'm not fighting

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My cousin was in Iraq. He was in gun fights and everything. He came back with a healthy drug addiction too. He's fucked up now. Totally messed his mind up. Not that he was on the level before though.


I wonder how much gay action goes on in the military during a war. There are less women. Its ok to go gay in prison. I wonder if the same rule applies.

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Guest atropa

It could be pretty revealing, in the context of the first post's article, to see male on male rape statistics in the military although I'm not sure how much honesty military 'culture' would allow.


Something adjunct, check out this section, military law, from a book titled male on male rape.

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Guest countchocula
you guys are acting as if we still peform anything resembling traditional warefare or 'combat' . if we did i can kind of understand where you are coming from.

The thing is most of our war is bombing from computer controlled or aided aircraft with little or no direct contact with any enemy troops. Has anybody here seen aerial maps of Fallejah before and after we did 'combat' there? and from the other side the majority of them fight the US occupation with improvised explosives and traps, again no direct combat.

So this imaginative concept of some sort of physical girth size of a man VS that of a woman performing better in combat is kind of silly to talk about imo. 40 years ago this discussion would have been relevant.

everything short of direct hand to hand combat i honestly can't understand why a woman wouldnt be able to do it.

perhaps the only thing i can point to that might make a woman slightly inferior at killing people is they have greater empathy on average for a fellow human than a male does. Empathy is a bad thing when your goal is to kill a lot of people.


You would actually be surprised how much happens on the ground. A lot of combat is still done by infantry.

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