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the hunt for gollum


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this looks decently interesting



i hope stuff like this (and that half life 2 one) grows as more people do it, movies are getting easy as shit to make and people can write scripts easily as good as the shit thats released


if this sort of amateur youtube film saturates the internet enough maybe actual movies will get better

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interesting, but the trailer leaves me very skeptical about their abilities to make a good final prodyct, all the recycled footage and not one original shot of gollum, also the "for fans" bit makes me think thats only going to appeal to those who get a huge fucking hardon for LOTR fanfic. It's interesting to see all these indie projects beginning to spring up, but why are they trying to imitate hollywood productions? It seems very derivative and costly from a time/money perspective. I guess thats where the money/fame is.

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Guest zaphod

hmmm, interesting idea, as far as independent movies go. but then whenever i see something like this i can't help but think of a bunch of nerds larping in the woods. like, the actors are always so bad, with that unintentionally hilarious gravitas that only a nerd who takes his fantasy far too seriously can possess.

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