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recreating trauma from your youth


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Guest Mr Salads

Poltergeist was a fucking menace for my nightmares...


Same with this 1988 film, PULSE. About a house where the electricity starts going apeshit. Holy fuck. I was scared as hell to shower after that...

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Poltergeist was a fucking menace for my nightmares...


Same with this 1988 film, PULSE. About a house where the electricity starts going apeshit. Holy fuck. I was scared as hell to shower after that...


Did anybody see that documentary about how they really were accidentally filming on top of a burial ground and real corpses were mixed with the fake ones in the pool scene?!!


i do not believe that! i demand evidence!

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Guest countchocula

Many horror movies make me jump and wince, but after it is all over I leave laughing and happy. In the case of the exorcist and poltergeist the movies haunted me forever.

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Guest Mr Salads
Poltergeist was a fucking menace for my nightmares...


Same with this 1988 film, PULSE. About a house where the electricity starts going apeshit. Holy fuck. I was scared as hell to shower after that...


Can you believe that fucking Poltergeist was PG? That's how we all got to see it as wee folk. Jesus fuck, that movie is terrifying. Did anybody see that documentary about how they really were accidentally filming on top of a burial ground and real corpses were mixed with the fake ones in the pool scene?!! Also how the actor playing Kane truly was on death's door with stomach cancer so when he howled "You're all gonna die in there!" it was more than just makeup and movie tricks.


Yeah. The PG part is astonishing.


They are going to remake it. my former boss is supposed to direct. Since his movies suck so will this. And i bet they will make it rated R, and it wont be half as terrifying as Tobe's.

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My cousin forced me to watch evil dead, texas chainsaw massacre, and step father all in one sitting when I was 5-6. It took me a couple months to recover from that traumatizing experience and my mother never let him babysit me again. That same guy was also into heavy metal and would show me various metal album covers to scare me. Watching creepshow, motel hell, halloween 4, the hellraiser films, and the house films also resulted in many sleepless nights.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFcku3jSph8 :omg:

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Guest Mr Salads

Tales from the Darkside episodes. Watching them now, theyre real cheesy. Some are still effective though.


But the opening theme song...always scared me...


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Guest my usernames always really suck

There was some movie I saw on TV back in 1986 or 1987, a horror movie about a bunch of giant cat-sized beetles/ticks that would latch on to the sides of peoples' heads and suck out their brains through their ears.


I've been wondering what movie that was for a long, long time...

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
as a child i was scared of the dark, ghosts, werewolves, confined spaces, suffocation, freddy, friday the 13th guy.


the thign that scared me most was an awful show called ghostwatch. they pretended it was real and all this fucked up shit happened on halloween. i wasnt the same after that but some other kid was so scared he killed himself. so i guess sleeping facing the wall for 10 years isnt so bad.


I did a little research and found out that although Ghostwatch is entirely fictitious it was based on a real poltergeist case: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfield_Poltergeist


Have a good night sleep Benedict...




Peggy Hodgson remained in the house until her death in 2003.



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