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From: <deleted>


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The following is a PM I just found in my inbox on my newgrounds.com account:


Howdy. i waz browsin over this site, & I unearthed your profile. You appear to be a fairly remarkable person, but I'm kinda inexperienced on this site, and don't really know where to go on this site. Don't they have a chat thing here?? i hate sending messages to ppl, & potentially never getting anything back. Anyways, if you are interested in chatting with me, u can check me over at date-centrale.com?id=3590 , my name there is chik_love.


So, ya, hope to see you. I'm always lookin' to find more ppl.

Christian Young






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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse
thanks for making a post about it.




for reals, haunting you know what that was right?? its just automated spam, the hugest waste of time on the internet and you made a thread about it. In a post 2001 world we should all know what spam is, the mere concept of it is not funny.


I'm sorry if you got your hopes up that there was any validity to that PM....

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Guest abusivegeorge

I was so expecting that to be a girl, I think thats where the lol came from


Bless you, Christian Young, may you and haunting have it long time.

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I was so expecting that to be a girl, I think thats where the lol came from


Bless you, Christian Young, may you and haunting have it long time.


at least somebody got it.


my name there is chik_love.


So, ya, hope to see you. I'm always lookin' to find more ppl.

Christian Young

lmfao what the flying fuck does 'lookin to find more ppl' fucking mean?

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