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best frozen pizza?

Fred McGriff

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Guest Gary C
I had the same type last week. I left it plain, but wished that I'd added tuna really.


I only bought it because of this thread. Once I saw it in the freezer department it had to be bought. It was better than I expected, but not amazing. I did manage to eat the whole thing without a break though (I usually save a slice for later).


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well i've put a goodfella's pizza in my sig. i've never had it but i bet it's better than dr. oetker (same price too).

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i hadnt even noticed this before stating in that other thread that goodfellas pizzas are a steaming pile of shit. im rapidly losing all respect for you tauboo. lets not fall out over frozen pizza, but we are about to fall out over frozen pizza.

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actually the best pizza i ever had was a seafood pizza.


it was in the danish coastal town of assens, and it was covered in the freshest of fruits de mer: cockels, mussels, crab meat, scallops, and at least two types of fish, all caught within sight of the outside table where i ate it in the sun along with some excellent strong local beer.


lol denmark... a country not reknowned for their pizza.

but i'm salivating thinking about this one, ten years later.





goodfellas are bad. the cheese especially, and that rotten foam rubber crust, bleh. the ciabatta-style goodfellas are a bit better. not much.

there's one particularly bad budget one in ireland, and they aren't actually allowed list cheese in the ingredients such is the quality of the greasy plastic they use. instead we get 'cheese substitute', lol.


we are not the first people to have this discussion


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Guest Gary C

I used to only have Goodfella's frozen pizza's a couple of years ago.


Also... thin-crust>deep-pan

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Guest Gary C
actually the best pizza i ever had was a seafood pizza.


it was in the danish coastal town of assens, and it was covered in the freshest of fruits de mer: cockels, mussels, crab meat, scallops, and at least two types of fish, all caught within sight of the outside table where i ate it in the sun along with some excellent strong local beer.


lol denmark... a country not reknowned for their pizza.

but i'm salivating thinking about this one, ten years later.


The best pizza I ever had was a pepperoni Calzone (with chips inside too) from a pizza-shop in Marseille.

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Yeah I wouldn't trust that pesto nonsense. But a cheese pizza anyway? For shame. The Piccante one and the one with spinach on, they are a fine class of pizza. When I go to my local Costcutters, and see them on offer for a pound, I know I'm in for a good night

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im gonna have to go to the supermarket tommorow and buy one of every single type of pizza, its only just occured to me that in the last 2 years since discovering ristorante, i havent actually eaten another pizza. im curious now.

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Guest Iain C

I like cheese pizza! Generally if I order a takeaway the only toppings I have are mixed peppers and sweetcorn but I generally can't be fucked to add them to my Dr Oetkers. I guess I've just got plain tastes when it comes to food.

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Guest Iain C

It's true, I don't like anything particularly hot, sweet or with a strong flavour. Food's not a big deal for me.

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i like to eat like 8 different flavours at once. when i eat cheese on toast it looks like someones been sick on it usually because i have onion, all the different colours of pepper, mushrooms, pieces of bacon, i like to find a few pieces of chicken from the fridge, some ham, pepper, mustard, and maybe even a a bit of some kind of sauce too. plain things arent my cup of tea.

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Guest idrn

well if his dress sense is that good then he has to be lacking elsewhere. edit:iain.


my housemate let me rinse some artichoke for my TESCO CHEESE PIZZA the other day. i had some shallots left over too. drizzled olive oil on that bitch. culinary win!

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Are you vegetarian Iain? I know WATMM has discussed this to death, but I couldn't understand why some sort of meat wouldn't make that seem 100% better. Fair play though, each to their own!

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Guest Iain C
Are you vegetarian? I know WATMM has discussed this to death, but I couldn't understand why some sort of meat wouldn't make that seem 100% better. Fair play though, each to their own!


Yep, vegetarded.

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thin & beautiful :embrassed:


lol i actually wrote a big rant about how americans were undoubtedly going to pollute the thread with white pizza and potato pizza and square pizza* and sweet pizza and other stupidity, but deleted it rather than post it. i should have posted it.





*square pizza isn't bad if you don't fuck with anything else but you can't leave a good formula alone, can you? you have to put fucking barbecue sauce and pineapple or something on it. you whores.



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Guest philia

i do sometimes like a variety of toppings, but i dislike tomatoes/tomato sauce /tomato anything. so white pizza really appeals to me

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so i compared the ingredients of Dr Oetker pizza, to a less offensively bad tasting pizza brand, Goodfella's, and found that Goodfella's doesn't have weird shit like contentrated lemon juice and whipping cream, but Dr Oetker's ones do

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