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watmm soup exchange


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i'll get the ball rolling with a thai-influenced citrus chicken soup with a cheeky nod to the bloody mary:






500 ml chicken stock

3 cloves garlic, VERY finely chopped

3 stalks lemon grass, chopped

2b green chilis, deseeded, but with the white flesh left in. VERY VERY finely diced.

the rind of one lemon

3 tbsp fish sauce

the juice of two small limes

1 nice bunch fresh coriander, chopped

1 nice bunch fresh basil, chopped

several shots of vodka

several pots

cheesecloth/new tights/old tights if kinky




- add the stock to a pot

- bring to a rolling boil

- add the garlic, chili, lemon grass, lime juice, and lemon rind

- simmer for 15 minutes on a low heat

- add the coriander, basil, vodka, and fish sauce

- simmer for 10 minutes on a low heat

- pour into a cheesecloth suspended over another pot and squeeze very well. get every drop out.






3 skinless, boneless chicken breasts

fresh green beans

fresh garden peas

fresh sugar snap peas

fresh spinach, roughly chopped

diced shallots

a nice big cast iron pan

excellent olive oil




- all sauteed - cook the chicken until done, then add the rest

- when done shred the chicken breasts very finely

- stick the lot under a grill for a minute - shouldn't be greasy


the soup




- stir fresh B into still-simmering A

- simmer for another 30 minutes on a very low heat

- the chicken should pretty much have turned to threads

- garnish with some heavy coconut milk, maybe even reduced a bit in a pot

- actually some chopped mint would be nice too

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

1. open tin of soup

2. put in saucepan

3. cook on high for 1 minute

4. try and eat without burning mouth

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here's an excellent chicken mulligatawny you can make very easily:


2 large/3 small peppers

1 red onion

1 white onion

3-4 potatoes

1 tin balti paste


2-4 cardamom pods to taste

a teaspoon of cayenne pepper (or some encona cayenne pepper sauce)

the seeds of a quarter of a vanilla pod, optional


2 chicken breasts, diced


500ml natural yoghurt


frying pan

big pot


boil potatos and roughly chop/mash - only drain a bit, NOT ALL

meanwhile chop/fry chicken in the pan along with the cardamom, cayenne, and vanilla, add to pot

chop/fry onion/pepper/balti paste, add to pot

stir that shit up well good. you want to mix it up

add the yoghurt. simmer for a bit.


you should have nearly 2l of thick delicious soup.

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i can proudly claim to have eaten every single of the 57 varieties of heinz soup, and the only two i didnt like were mulligtawny and lentil.

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