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Guest Iain C

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The glasses father son combo in the third ad are quite clearly members of the Hitler Youth.


If you support Dr. Oetker, you support National Socialism, the extermination of the jews, and sexy blonde frauleins in paramilitary unifoms administering 'punishment' beatings with horsewhips, and I have no interest whatsoever in any of those things. Nope.

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Guest Iain C

According to the mighty font that is Wikipedia, Dr Oetker are paying reparations for their use of slave labour during the Nazi years!

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According to the mighty font that is Wikipedia, Dr Oetker are paying reparations for their use of slave labour during the Nazi years!



Which will come out of their PR budget and be a relative pittance. Remember Joseph Goebbels..

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Guest idrn

look at you all, wearing the oetker crest like some kind of armband..


"there's an international supermarket conspiracy attempting to water down my tomato puree bla bla bla"



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Guest Iain C

I think the first video is somebody trying to speak German with an Italian accent, which is truly horrifying. We don't need foreign influences on our noble German tongue etc. etc.

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Since we're on it, the good Dr. also makes yogurt (yoghurt) under the name Onken. Which is strange cuz phonetically it's close to Oetker, except it isn't. Like yogurt wasn't good enough for the flagship brand or some shit.




(btw the summer berries is especially good)



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