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Scottish Animal Thread #2: Stoat Edition

Guest Iain C

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Guest Iain C

Dog drives stoat to abandon baby


A baby stoat which was abandoned by its mother is being cared for by Scottish SPCA staff in Dunfermline.

The six-week-old stoat was orphaned when it was dropped on a path by its mother when she was startled by a dog in Carnoustie, Angus.

The dog's owner waited to see if the mother would return but after an hour he picked the little orphan up.

Initially hand-fed every two hours, the stoat lives in an incubator but will eventually be returned to the wild.

Scottish SPCA ambulance driver Alistair Searles collected the stoat, which was uninjured, and transported it to the animal welfare charity's Wildlife Rescue Centre near Dunfermline, Fife.

The tyranny of Dogs, eh?

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Guest abusivegeorge
offense taken


How'd the barbie go?


Does anyone remember the 10 minute long video of the stoat that made headline news at christmas? He was dancing in the snow. Man that was a bad day for news. But yeah stoats are cool, especially that baby one.

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Guest Ominous

not scottish; but this sequence of unrelated pics in the LATimes made me lol:


A lion bounds after a fox at the zoo in Wuppertal, Germany, after the fox got into the lions' enclosure by mistake. It managed to escape unhurt.

















A frightened fox cub is held by a fireman after it was rescued from the crypt of St. Michael Cathedral in Veszprem, Hungary. After the fox became trapped, employees of the cathedral called the firefighters for assistance.




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