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WTF am i going to do?

Chris Moss Acid

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Guest ezkerraldean

umm .. for the flagship programs you need never miss them matey .. ever ...



Canadian TV's horrifically shit though, the advert breaks make it agonising to watch, especially when you realise that you've already seen what you're trying to watch ten times already back when you were in britain-land. true, you can get most BBC shit on DVD here which is good. its always flattering to walk into an HMV and see that they have a section specifically for british shows lol

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I've been really itching for a good prison-drama because I've never really seen any show like that. Shawshank was good but that's just a movie. I'm finishing up the wire myself and I was tossing between Prison Break and Oz but people are sayin Oz is where its at.

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I've been really itching for a good prison-drama because I've never really seen any show like that. Shawshank was good but that's just a movie. I'm finishing up the wire myself and I was tossing between Prison Break and Oz but people are sayin Oz is where its at.


Oz makes prison break look like kindergarten.


The geniality of the show is that shit happens. There's no status quo. The prison changes, people get fucked, people get killed. Nobody is safe.

When you start watching, you're not gonna believe who ends up dying, and eventually you begin to accept that any character might get offed.

The prison mentality.


The monologues of Augustus Hill, the fate of Poet, Beecher's transformation, Adebesi.. So many great characters, and it's amazing to see how much they change after what happens to them. The character development, sometimes drastic, sometimes small changes over the course of several episodes, is some of the strongest I've seen.

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generation kill is awesome but the hurt locker was even better. proabally the best war film featuring iraq, if you like GK then the hurt locker will be a must see .


Really? So far I'm liking Generation Kill more than I liked Hurt Locker. I mean, Hurt Locker was good but fuck the last minute got stupid. I know that's kind of a petty thing to pick on but goddammit it's the ending. I'm only three episodes in to GK but it's got David Simon's eye for observation and ear for dialogue so I'm pretty happy about that.


I also started watching Homicide, Life on the Streets. It's alright, I don't know if I'll keep up with it but it seems a bit more formally mature than most mid 90s tv.

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i've been watching sons of anarchy recently. watched the first season on dvd last week and just saw the second season premiere tonight. any other fans on wattm?

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