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  • Birthday 12/15/1984

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  1. Noisey has it up at 64 on their albums of the year list. https://noisey.vice.com/en_us/article/7xyex4/the-100-best-albums-of-2018 A fucking travesty, should have been 63.
  2. Incunabula Amber Tri Repetae ++ Chiastic Slide LP5 EP7 Confield Draft 7.30 Untilted Quaristice Oversteps Move Of Ten Exai AE_Live Elseq 1-5 NTS Sessions
  3. I only just realized there's a big white C on the cover.
  4. The Killing of a Sacred Deer. 9, maybe 10/10. I loved the first half of The Lobster but felt like it lost the plot halfway through. This one works all the way through. Alternatingly beautiful, hilarious and off-putting. All the stilted, weird dialogue delivery really worked with the overall surrealism and banality of the suburban Cincinattian setting. Blade Runner 2049. 7/10. Pretty alright. Didn't blow my mind and could have been shorter.
  5. I quite enjoyed mother! It wasn't subtle or super deep but it was audacious, darkly funny, absorbing and aesthetically interesting. It took a while for the balls to hit the wall but once they did I was happy. It, on the other hand was kinda boring. Over reliant on schlocky jump scares, the actors and cinematography were all good but the sound editing was terrible and cliche as was the soundtrack. The Stand By Me-ish scenes worked a lot better than any of the actual "scares." but if I wanted to watch a good version of Stand by Me I could just watch Stand by Me.
  6. I wasn't jazzed on this album when it first came out and regularly would have listed it around the bottom of their discography in terms of preference. I put it on recently and it clicked in a big way. Originally I liked the production sound but didn't think the tunes themselves were that memorable but this time the whole package clicked. Probably the highest jump in estimation I've had with one of their albums. Lush AF.
  7. For something I wrote off as a pisstake at first this is becoming my most listened to Quaristice era track and not just for utilitarian chillout purposes. It's like a pitch black comfort blanket.
  8. Overand


    Been on a bit of an AE binge lately and while this isn't my favorite album of theirs I do find it to be one of their most consistent in terms of overall track quality throughout the album. It's also (IMO) the last album they made that doesn't feel like there's either a lot of fat and excess or a distinct highlight v filler discrepancy, especially considering the sheer volume of material that would accompany each release period after Untilted. Pro Radii is one of the first tracks of theirs I remember hearing when I discovered them around 2006 along with Doctrine and Clipper and thinking "Who the fuck are these people?" Always been impressed with how massive that track can sound without peaking or warping the speakers.
  9. As is apparently standard with me I'm settling into this one just as they've released their follow up. I feel like it takes seeing where they're going next from one spot to have each step in their discography come into focus. It's nice to see that they doubled down on my main complaints since then, namely that it's too long and has a harsh/brittle sound palate, to the point where this seems like Jarre's Equinoxe in comparison to Elseq. 1 1 is, spl9 and deco loc are my top tier pics at this point. Can't wait to see what I think of Elseq when they release some 40 hour monstrosity in 2018. Or if they devise some generative audio software that just perpetually creates new music.
  10. Overand

    draft 7.30

    This is one of their albums that I never ended up caring for as a full album but 4-5 of the tracks are definite standouts. I have been trying with it lately after listening to the live sets since each new AE release seems to make their past albums gel a bit more for me but I've basically come away with the same feeling although the tracks I like I now like more. I generally find I have a harder time getting anything out of the more solidly percussive tracks with less in the way of washes and tones padding them out. Reinform Puls sounds like the soundtrack to an avant garde spy film. V-Proc is still all time top ten.
  11. S3 of Nathan for You is a work of art somewhere between Borat and Jacques Tati. The smokers bar, horse ride and electronics store bits were all fucking amazing and made me laugh until my sides hurt.
  12. Got into AFX after a college sound teacher played us Girl/Boy Song even though I'd already seen Windowlicker and the Chris Cunningham DVD. Saw them mentioned in a lot of the same articles and wound up downloading Eggshell and Doctrine and then went on to go buy Incunabula, Tri Repetae, Chiastic and Confield on CD the same week.
  13. I'm surprised at how little love Incunabula gets. It makes sense in a way since Autechre have a very distinct method of progression from album to album so I can see where they might decide to leave their early work in the dust. That said, they do have a gift for melody that they do a very good job of subverting so I'm glad that they embraced it on at least a few albums.
  14. Air, olives and the last series of Peep Show.
  15. Autechre remixed a James Blackshaw/Coil sex tape and I love it.
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