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Biggest anti-climax experiences

Guest joshier

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he's probably thinking how disgusting the whole act of exchanging bodily fluids is, and that he's let himself down joining the rest of the plebs of society who procreate willy nilly.

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Guest ezkerraldean

i didn't jizz the first two times. but she jizzed twice, each time. wicked



true story

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Guest joshier

Getting in a car for the first time, hitting the pedal all the way and realising most cars are fucking slow. Major let down

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that's not the idm way marf


that is exactly the idm way


unless you're hardcore idm, a pure blood; if that's the case then this situation just doesn't exist in any capacity.

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Guest ezkerraldean
My biggest anti-climax is hearing loss. My head is a swarm of crickets and hissing pressure cookers. I have to get a repeat from people sometimes up to 2 or 3 times. My doctor said "I could make you a hearing aid but I don't think it would help." wtf? fml. I'm 30. What's 40 gonna be like? WHAT?OKAY!
i've got that shit now and i'm 21
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yea I hate aging. My sleeping patterns suck so bad now that im older. I use to be able to sleep 10 -12 (if needed) hours straight thru no wake ups in between. Now i cant help but wake up a couple times, but the most fucked up part is the waking up feels completely natural. I AM CHANGING!!! I need a god to pray to.


i hear that

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not being able to cum sucks but if you hit that sweet spot where you've imbibed enough drink/drugs that you can, but it takes fucking ages, you can have a lot of fun with a girl :devil:

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not being able to cum sucks but if you hit that sweet spot where you've imbibed enough drink/drugs that you can, but it takes fucking ages, you can have a lot of fun with a girl :devil:


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Guest abusivegeorge

I like to cum once, real hard, and then continue having sex, because it takes me a while to cum, and the "girl" usually gets 2-4 orgasms before I cum again. This is fantastic stuff.

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