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packing my shit

Fred McGriff

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so i have to pack my whole apartment into boxes today. i have the day off. i actually am taking vacation to do the thing i hate most in life. luckily i just did this a year ago so we havent accumulated too much shit yet but still it's really daunting when you start sizing up the rooms and imagining all of that shit going into boxes and how many billions of boxes you're going to need and how you'd rather go to bed forever than have anything to do with packing your shit. so does anyone have any shit packing tips? should I drink whilst I pack? I'm thinking about getting good and drunk so my shit gets packed without my putting up a mental fight over it.


hating life



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Guest abusivegeorge

Make sure when you knock the walls down, that you try and keep each wall seperated when packing them into boxes. This makes it much easier to rebuild later on.

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it's not so bad i guess. jot down some graphs, coupla trivial calculations and soldier up, and pack it nice and orderly, so that when you come back you'll be all tidy and organized, like a swiss or german person. where are you headed ??

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Guest zaphod

yeah what kind of floor do you have? it can be a real bitch to pack tile floors. wood as well. really anything other than carpet is a bitch. carpet you can just roll the floor up and toss it in the truck.

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Guest abusivegeorge
i'm headed about 10 mins away to my first ever home


god i want to pack like a swiss or german person. can you tell me more on how to pack like a swiss or german person iep?


Thats kool, when you say first ever home, how do you mean? I thought you had your own place anyway?


To pack like a Swiss or German person you must be an expert in Origami.


And Feng Shui.


And have lots of cling film.

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definitely quaffe a few beers whilst packing your shit, also since you're moving it goes without saying you should be peeing off your balcony during the remaining days at your present abode.


edit: penisdt

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oh hey check this out


efficiency flow charts just in from hq




so basically you'll want your least critical shit to flow last


have your unimportant shit on top, thats the shit thats bound to just fly out of the bag so to speak. the heavy shit should stay in as long as possible, as to give you the time to think about whether you need it, whether it really needs to come out. think, no, prioritize in terms of depth. pack tight but not unreasonably so, you'd be in a world of hurt later.

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Guest mrcopyandpaste

cut the side off your house


get a bin liner and stretch it over the open side of your house


tip house

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Guest abusivegeorge
cut the side off your house


get a bin liner and stretch it over the open side of your house


tip house


Fuckin LOL.

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i'm headed about 10 mins away to my first ever home

Wow, that's great. You were living in an apartment block, right? This is going to be hell of a change.


Packing everything for moving 10 minutes away seems to be pretty useless. Can't you simply throw your furniture through the window of your high apartment so it lands in front of your new house?

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Guest abusivegeorge
i'm headed about 10 mins away to my first ever home

Wow, that's great. You were living in an apartment block, right? This is going to be hell of a change.


Packing everything for moving 10 minutes away seems to be pretty useless. Can't you simply throw your furniture through the window of your high apartment so it lands in front of your new house?


Didn't you see what happened to his Xbox controllers?

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This is the part where being cool and nice and having friends helps. Typically, I just call up some of my friends and get them to help. makes it go much faster. However, lately I don't have so many friends so when I had to move last month I just started several days early and did one room per evening whilst drinking a nice stout.

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Guest mrcopyandpaste

I couldn't allow anyone but me to pack up my shit in one room while I pack up in another or anything like that, unless I was there with them, and then I may as well be just doing it myself.

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no we rent at the moment. we just bought this place we're moving to.


Congrats man! You should post pics of the new place once you're in. To pack like a German, you need the following things:


1) Potato Vodka

2) Sauerkraut

3) A couple of Jews to do the heavy lifting




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i'm headed about 10 mins away to my first ever home

Wow, that's great. You were living in an apartment block, right? This is going to be hell of a change.


Packing everything for moving 10 minutes away seems to be pretty useless. Can't you simply throw your furniture through the window of your high apartment so it lands in front of your new house?


Didn't you see what happened to his Xbox controllers?

I did not explain what I had in mind properly, sorry. Fred should link his brand new house to his obsolete apartment with a clothes line, or perhaps put a trampoline where his furniture is going to land? I am sure he could do that for a cheaper price than renting a truck.

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One crucial thing is some inspiring BGM to get you through to lvl 9.


The other thing is to label the boxes; that will make it easier to start unpacking.


Finally, pack lots of medium-sized boxes with some heavy shit (like books) buffered by some lighter shit (like sweaters).


That's all pretty obvious though, I guess.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Thats the best fucking idea, you should have expressed that in your original post.


Then you'd have needed no replies.

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i'm a pussy though and wont go through with it since it's against the law.


so right now the frontrunner is a massive clothesline from one place to the other. followed by renting an old school civil war era cannon and wadding everyting up into balls and launching my shit to my new place one cannonball's worth of shit at a time

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