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Guest abusivegeorge

Wait the child isn't in the balloon right? Yet he is missing? I don't think they would be stupid enough to report their son missing as a result of this, for an elaborate joke, the implications would not be worth it. So this could be far more serious than it looks.


Seriously though that is awesome and I wish it was me and I was six again.



yahoo news said the sheriff saw the light finally and he came out saying it was a hoax. These people are going to be in some serious shit with any luck.




Precisely why I said what I did in my original post, what a bunch of fucking idiots.

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yeah, there's no way that balloon would have carried any significant weight.


I knew it. :)


On the other hand, it was probably the most exciting live TV event since the election.


They should have found some way to actually stick the kid in there. The movie rights alone would have paid for the hospital bill :emotawesomepm9:

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