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Awesome Movie Premise/Plot Twist thread


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so I was watching Bowfinger today, you know that Steve Martin/Eddie Murphy flick, and I thought that even though it was no masterpiece, the idea of filming a movie with the main actor not even realising he was in the movie was kinda neat. I think there are too many movies these days where the comedic hook is always something to do with an unusual genitals/the HILARITY of conception or *SHOCK*, crazy fucking parents!!!


post your ideas, or ones you've already seen, of really kick-ass movie premises/plot twists/whatever, that are completely fucking earth-shattering!



Also, do you think the plot twist in The Sixth Sense is great or awful? I'm leaning towards the latter but then again I can't stand Mr. Shymalymalmahammer


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Also, do you think the plot twist in The Sixth Sense is great or awful? I'm leaning towards the latter but then again I can't stand Mr. Shymalymalmahammer


Once you know that the superhero dead trees are allergic to water in 2004, watching again is pointless.

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That's pretty much all of the twists amalgamated.


He's a superhero. He's dead. The trees are listening. Aliens are allergic to water. They're really living in 2004.

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