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Ah BOLLIX. France v Ireland...

Guest Conor74

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oh shut the fuck up Ireland.


what about that penalty vs. georgia? I seem to remember robbie keane with a little smirk on his face knowing full well it wasn't a penalty, and he's the one whining to the media, what a total fucking cunt bag.


from all of this, i actually feel a lot more sorry for thierry henry.


anyone who has played football has made a stupid handball that was just pure instinct to put your hand out, so for all the irish fans having a go at henry, you're all hypocrites, especially when no one mentions the georgia game, and if it were ireland going through on such circumstances, i'm sure you'd all just be laughing at france.


i thank god you're not in the finals, you're shit.


france will perform.

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Guest Conor74

especially when no one mentions the georgia game


The Georgia game.


There you go now. That make it all even? Two wrongs make a right after all, that was a very good point you made.


So pointing to other incidents makes Henry's actions completely legitimate? Gerrard dives every time he gets near the box, so ex post facto that makes Maradona's handball fine?


In fact, why bother with the expectation that rules will be applied at all, unless by your standards a country has shown that it has never ever done anything wrong at all in the field of football.

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henry's handball wasn't seen by the officials, why put all the blame on him?

everyone has known that video footage is needed to help officials make decisions.

and are you telling me you've never made an instinctive handball, ever?

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Guest Conor74

henry's handball wasn't seen by the officials, why put all the blame on him?


Because unless he has some twitching muscular condition of which I am completely unaware, then he was responsible for his own actions and he was to blame for handling the ball. I have never heard of your 'instinctive' defence -


"sheesh ref, I punched him in the face but it was...instinctive...so it's not my fault..."


Saying the cheating was done without much premeditation is not a defence. I don't think Maradona sat down befpre Mexico '86 and planned to lead with his fist, but he did and he cheated.

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"sheesh ref, I punched him in the face but it was...instinctive...so it's not my fault..."



This isn't the best example. You don't tend to plan on punching someone when playing football, that's not what you're looking to achieve when you pull up those socks on a saturday.


Handballs can be entirely instinctive because the whole aim is to get that ball under your control as quickly as possible. You're telling me you're never, in a split second, moved your arm in slightly when chesting the ball down on a run, or maybe petting it if it's getting away from you.


It's happened to me and ALL of my team mates, simply because you don't think about it. Of course if it gets called for a handball you put your hand up, but if you get away with it, then that chest down looked mint and you're running through on goal ready to curl it into the far post.

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Personally I think this is yet another reason why video replay should be admissible in making a call - they do it in many other sport, why not football? Had this been the case, the Maradona incident nor the Georgia incident would have been, well, incidents.

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stfu conor. France would have won anyway. If Ireland had the wherewithal to actually get another goal back it would have gone to penalties and france would have completely decimated given's net.


Keano is totally right. Maybe he's not saying it in the most delicate way but he's trying to make the point that the blame game does no one any good. And he's right. And thats exactly what you're doing and what you did to keano after that video was posted. It's done. France are going. There are bigger disappointments in this world cup already. (russia and croatia)

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Personally I think this is yet another reason why video replay should be admissible in making a call - they do it in many other sport, why not football? Had this been the case, the Maradona incident nor the Georgia incident would have been, well, incidents.


the problem with implimenting replays into football is that when do you use them? when can you stop the game? what if france didn't score from henry's handball and ireland countered and scored?


the problem with football is that the pace and flow of a game is very important. if a team is in control of the pace of the game, little things can change the balance, like if a player gets injured and there's 3-5 minutes of the players standing around, when the game starts up again, the flow can be changed.


i think if goals are scored, or if there's a big decision to be made and the whistle has already been blown, then video footage should be used, but it can't be a long wait for a decision, it would have to be fast.


oh and they're testing out having a 4th official on the goal line at either side of the pitch in the europa league.

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Personally I think this is yet another reason why video replay should be admissible in making a call - they do it in many other sport, why not football? Had this been the case, the Maradona incident nor the Georgia incident would have been, well, incidents.


the problem with implimenting replays into football is that when do you use them? when can you stop the game? what if france didn't score from henry's handball and ireland countered and scored?


the problem with football is that the pace and flow of a game is very important. if a team is in control of the pace of the game, little things can change the balance, like if a player gets injured and there's 3-5 minutes of the players standing around, when the game starts up again, the flow can be changed.


i think if goals are scored, or if there's a big decision to be made and the whistle has already been blown, then video footage should be used, but it can't be a long wait for a decision, it would have to be fast.


oh and they're testing out having a 4th official on the goal line at either side of the pitch in the europa league.


That's true, and that's one of the reasons I prefer watching football say to baseball, American Football, or most other sports. Basketball uses it, and that's fast-paced like football is, so I think like you said, if it was implemented sparingly (especially in egregious situations like this), it would be very effective.


I heard about more refs on the pitch - I don't think that will solve the problem, considering both the sideline and field refs missed this call - I mean what were those guys doing? Watching some bird with big tits in the stands rather than doing their job?

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well, the ref was in the right place, but too many people between him and henry, not much he could have done.


the linesman would have had a hard time to spot it too, being as the back four and keeper would have been in his way.


interestingly enough, if the 4th(5th of 6th whatever) official had been there, he probably would have seen it, cus they literally just stand next to the goals!

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well, the ref was in the right place, but too many people between him and henry, not much he could have done.


the linesman would have had a hard time to spot it too, being as the back four and keeper would have been in his way.


interestingly enough, if the 4th(5th of 6th whatever) official had been there, he probably would have seen it, cus they literally just stand next to the goals!


So I guess the solution is to just line the edge of the pitch with officials. Sorted.

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Guest Conor74

It's happened to me and ALL of my team mates, simply because you don't think about it.


I don't doubt that it happens to you and your teammates in your special team. I do not play with retards so I do not know of this compulsion to flick out a hand whenever the ball comes near and which also afflicts you on top of the obvious.


It was cheating. It happens. It's time to move on really. Your Henry avatar is very tee hee. You should tell that one to your teammates, they'll be spitting and drooling for weeks.

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Guest Conor74

So you don't play much football?


I'll repeat the point. Not with retards. Do I have to illustrate the message with cuddly toys and large type?


Does the Henry avatar still amuse you? This story is sooooooo last week, even if it took you a few days to formulate your stance.

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Guest Conor74

So do you play much football? You're being vague.


You're being boring. Does it matter to you whether I play every hour or every week? Like most adults I don't feel the overwhelming urge to flick my hand out every time the ball comes near. You and I apparently differ in that regard. That's why you think Henry is great while most of the sports media and public have condemned his act to varying degrees, and the rules of the game don't provide any defence of the automatism that so affects you and your teammates.

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I said I and my friends all agreed that at least once in all the years of playing football, we have instinctively handballed it.


Why are you being so hostile?!?!!?!!?!?

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Guest Conor74

Why are you being so hostile?!?!!?!!?!?


How many times do you play? When do you play? Where do you play? Do you play as much as me? I have friends who talk to me. Why are you being nasty?

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And you took that as me being hostile?

I asked you if you played football, the sport of which we are discussing.

Why would me mentioning my friends bother you?!??!

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Guest Conor74

Personally I think this is yet another reason why video replay should be admissible in making a call - they do it in many other sport, why not football?


There is no very good reason not to have it. As long as it doesn't become that intrusive, so maybe its use should be limited to times when a challenge can be made - though with goal celebrations that last a minute and players rolling all over the place at the slightest touch I'm not too sure a couple of short delays to ensure accuracy and fairness is such an awful prospect.

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