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chiptune tracks

Guest yanG

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hello all, i've been away from the site for ages, having no proper internet connection...


i've got a coupla chiptune tracks up for your enjoyment (and mine indeed), i wouldn't mind a little feedback...


here's the url: http://mycrapsite.free.fr/YQN/


i'd recommend "chip-hop", "last attempt", and "OcSID" first, "Made it to the end" was already posted here and "lo-IDMism" is not finished yet...


hope you like 'em :)

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i like these and i strongly dislike most chiptune stuff. when it's done bad it's really really bad and when it's done good it's really good. not much middle ground in my opinion. fortunately these are good.


chip hop and oscid especially.

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man... i quite enjoyed all of those (esp chip-hop, as you cited). my only question is why you'd bother limiting yourself to 8-bit sounds. i think chip-hop woulda been a sick track if it had some real synths in there. all of the low end feels weak as shit (understandably so, given its a chiptune) and i think it would benefit from some beefed up sound!

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man... i quite enjoyed all of those (esp chip-hop, as you cited). my only question is why you'd bother limiting yourself to 8-bit sounds. i think chip-hop woulda been a sick track if it had some real synths in there. all of the low end feels weak as shit (understandably so, given its a chiptune) and i think it would benefit from some beefed up sound!


i actually make music with reason most of the time but i love opening my favourite chip program (maxymiser on atari st) once in a while :) besides it's a very good exercise to work with only 3 to 4 tracks and many limitations, it forces you to focus on the essential elements of your music.

i thought the same about chip-hop. that track would be a killer with a bigger production. i was already planning to make it an atari/pc hybrid. some of these chip sounds are too good to be left aside, but better drum samples and maybe some additional or replacement synths would make it great for qualified dancefloors ;) fortunately, my bro has recently left the flat so i now have a new room where to put my gear, i'll be able to midi-wire my pc & atari :]


thanks for the input guys :)

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  • 2 months later...

Sound great man, really really liked chip hop especially. I am not too familiar with chiptune production. Can you squeeze some low end out of those chips? The explosion at the 2:05 second mark in this track seems to have some oomph to it..



I know other synths were used on that track, but is that explosion the product of a C64 or the like?


If so, I think that it'd be cool to round it off with some low frequency waves from the chips as opposed to adding other synths.


I also do think a production using FAT analog synths for chip hop would be top! You'd need a different title though, hahah.





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really nice beats. also great polyphonic parts, especially in OcSID, around 01:10.

It would be great to hear them in bigger production.

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