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Fell off 15 foot ladder + staging the other day

Guest epsy

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Anybody ever had their mouth wired for an extended period of time before? We bought a food processor today. Thank god my girlfriend is a culinary master and can make just about anything. Any tips ppl got for like how to keep my teeth as clean as possible? Any good recipes abound? Thanks!

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my friend recently slipped off a rough and broke a bone in his neck.


feel sorry for you though, having my mouth wired shut would send me insane.

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this is the worst thing


how did you fall off the ladder?

It was a 7 or 8 foot extention ladder on top of 6 foot staging. The ladder was against the wall and I was at the top of it. The bottom of the ladder gave out and the top (where I was) fell straight down. I have no idea how but I managed to land on my feet. I musta hit the staging or the ladder on the way down because my left hand is swollen and my left leg is all cut up deep. I think I hit my jaw on my knee when I tried to fall into the landing instead of just standing straight up. Im very lucky I didn't land on my spine of my head and shit. Im curious tho...I got two joints just sitting here, but I don't wanna make my mouth hurt worse by smoking up. I remember when I had 4 wisdom teeth taken out all at once and puffing up gave me instant dry sockets. Dunno if this would be any diff since it's still surgery that happened in my mouth.

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if you want to get high without smoking you should make some bud oil by just browning some dope in some vegetable oil, then strain out the dope and drink the oil. Yeah it won't taste that great but you will get nice and baked for about 4 hours off 1.5 g give or take


edit: just to clarify, you wanna bust up your dope, put it in a frying pan and put some vegetable oil, stir it around while frying on a low heat until the dope is nicely browned but if you smell burning bud you are cooking too hot. It takes less than 15 mins to do.

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That sucks. Hope you like soup :emotawesomepm9:


In all seriousness you were pretty lucky. I've had similar shit happen to me and it sucks a lot, especially when it's not your fault, but it can always be worse. You could have been paralyzed.

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At least you fell off a ladder from a few feet high. That's not so stupid.


I know a guy who once fell while... walking. Just regularly walking over the streets, and he tripped.


He fell right onto his mouth/teeth. Had to wear some sort of big-ass external dental braces shit for more than a year(!). He couldn't eat regularly too i think.



What i'm trying to say is, uh... just look at the kinds of miseries other people have had concerning their mouths, so you can feel a bit better?


Does that work?

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