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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

nah nah nah, nigga aint got no girrafe neck foreskin that can stretch out to hold a "billiard" balls worth of piss, why everything outta be all fictionalized these days. you dont gotta lie to be cool

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some people like to pretend its fiction because they don't like to imagine that there's a guy out there who's real sexy and dangerous yet has a wonky face

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Guest Dirty Protest

Is anyone else not utterly bored with the depressing amount of weak irony clogging up their eyeballs. Everyday it seems I end up reading about someone pissing on their newborn or some other shit.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

SCANNING A MIRROR DOESNT WORK, sooo fucking stupid theres no way anyone seriously tried that, sleep deprivation=easy lolzaroflcopters

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Is anyone else not utterly bored with the depressing amount of weak irony clogging up their eyeballs. Everyday it seems I end up reading about someone pissing on their newborn or some other shit.


*raises hand* though I don't consider willfull ignorance irony. can we just officially declare that something isn't ironic if it is contrived to be so?


I had a client once who asked me if it was possible to scan a black and white photo in colour.


I get this kind of thing too. The most common is when someone emails me a 50x50 pixel jpeg that they got off of a website somewhere and they want me to "clean it up and print it out big"

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Guest Adjective

I had a client once who asked me if it was possible to scan a black and white photo in colour.

my friend in IT went to help a coworker whose mouse and keyboard stopped working because they cut the cables to make them wireless

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