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Well, I've gotten my first live gig in SF!


I'll be performing at a multi-media audio/visual event. I'll open the show with a live set, that will morph into a multi-media dance event. I will then perform at the intermission of the event.


Here is a link for more info... hope to see you SF folk there!



These will be full on live sets, with all my synths, controllers, and array of blinking LEDs!

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Guest Wall Bird

Damn, wish I could see it. Try to make a recording. I'd love to see what you're doing these days.


Man, I'm missing out. It seems as if all of my favorite Watmm musicians are out in SF. It seems like a great place to be for american electronic music, especially with Cycling based there.

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I will be there. Maybe with a date. I'll try to get a bunch of people out to it.


Damn, wish I could see it. Try to make a recording. I'd love to see what you're doing these days.


Man, I'm missing out. It seems as if all of my favorite Watmm musicians are out in SF. It seems like a great place to be for american electronic music, especially with Cycling based there.


You might as well move here, dude :wink:

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Guest Wall Bird

You might as well move here, dude :wink:


I would love to, but for two reasons:


1. The high cost of living - supposedly the highest in the country.


2. These!



There's no way I'm gonna ride my bike around a landscape like this day in and day out.


Maybe I'll come visit sometime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the show is tomorrow... I'm pretty psyched!


I bought a video camera, so I'll have video and shifty audio at the very least... And ideally I'll be getting a copy of the board, so I'll layer that over the video. I'm going to have it aimed at my gear, from over my shoulder, so people can see what's happening.


I also have several friends that will be taking pictures, one of which is a pro photographer, so it should b well documented... So if you can't make it out (hope you all can) I'll be sharing it here!

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doors open at 7


I play 7:30-8:00. For the second half of that, there will be a dancer with a weird material on that retains light temporarily, and will have video projected on to her, and we will end together at 8.


Then I am 8:30-9:00


the whole event is 7 - 11


see you there!

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Hey thanks man! I'm so sorry I couldn't get to talk to you... That event was pretty disorganized... I got stuck back there! When did you take off? Thanks so much for coming dude... Hopefully man more to follow!


And yes, that was awesome... I only got to see like 3 mins of it though

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i took off right when you stopped playing at intermission, truth be told i didn't want to be stuck in that dark room with the doors closed a 2nd time. Your stuff was by far the highlight of the night, some of the other stuff seemed to be using gantz graf as inspiration but kind of msising the point of it. i thouht your set and setup was really nice, you seem to have a very streamlined and organized set, i didn't hear anything resembling a fuckup ;).


edit: funny coincidence(?) that 2 videos were played one using a BT track and another a Trifonic track, i remember us talking about the rumors about their working relationship but i guess it could have just been someone who was a fan of both artists, they do sound quite alike (for obvious reasons hehe)

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Thanks man! I feel pretty good about... Def took mental notes on what worked or not. Looking forward to watching the video to see what it was like. I didn't get a 2mix though, so it'll just be shitty video camera audio, but hey better than nothing.


I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on what could use improving! I do want my next show to have more prep time. I put this set together in a month, composed and rehearsed... So it can be a lot tighter. Also I kept this set more accessible, as per the organizers request. I defintely want to make it more abstract, and less sweet melodies.


Anyways, thanks again so much for hiking out here for it! Really appriciate it man!

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That whole video segment really confused me. The girl did only like 10 mins of video/music, it was very different during sound check, and so I expected more from her, and then BT came on and I was like, wait... What's happeneing here?

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That whole video segment really confused me. The girl did only like 10 mins of video/music, it was very different during sound check, and so I expected more from her, and then BT came on and I was like, wait... What's happeneing here?


lol, yeah


the only critique i can offer only had to do with the way you built up your tracks. I think especially in a live show setting, starting out extremely bare like a simple kick and a hi hat with a simple pattern can be very effective. I would have liked to hear you break apart the layers more (not more often but less of them, less busy), and have some barer beat driven sections of your set dominate for small periods of time.


edit: take this with a grain of salt of course because as you said they wanted you to play more accessible music, and keeping that in mind you did exactly what they asked you to do, the above really only applies to a more dancey environment (which i haven't seen you perform in yet )

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I totally agree (my other friend gave me very similar advice as well)... I also wanted a bit more forward motion... and that probably would be accomplished through that. I felt comfortable with all my material, but I'd liked to have rehearsed it much more, so that I could have moved it around more... there was a lot of jam out kind of parts, and I'd like more dynamics, form-wise. Due to the limited time I had to put it together, I was stretching out my material, probably longer than I'd like it to be in the future.


Also, definitely want to change up the sounds. Like I mentioned to you before, I built this set, so that I wouldn't have to deal with program changes... ie the potential for something to fuck up... so while I tried to use the sounds in a variety of ways, I do want the sonic palette to be expanded. That's something I'll have to figure out for future sets... but the Virus, while awesome, can be a glitchy bitch... and program changes made me uncomfortable!


All in all though, I think it was a good first show. Now that I've taken that first leap, hopefully the future ones will be less nerve wracking!

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