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Guest pulsewarrior

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are you guys serious? the only real options going forward are LED and TPC chassis. you get stupid good photoreal and motionreal output on either, 3000x magnification per pixel, a 45hz AVERAGE refresh matrix, solar burst glare optic technology, and over 1 million square microns of liquid magnesium Heisenberg cells firing a pretty much infinite array of bosons per second. my LED makes plasma look like a flipbook drawn by a 2 year old, recorded at 90 btus on an old 1940 black and white redenbacher movie-tron, then played back on a dial-up 92k password-free cable login. seriously.


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Guest assegai

are you guys serious? the only real options going forward are LED and TPC chassis. you get stupid good photoreal and motionreal output on either, 3000x magnification per pixel, a 45hz AVERAGE refresh matrix, solar burst glare optic technology, and over 1 million square microns of liquid magnesium Heisenberg cells firing a pretty much infinite array of bosons per second. my LED makes plasma look like a flipbook drawn by a 2 year old, recorded at 90 btus on an old 1940 black and white redenbacher movie-tron, then played back on a dial-up 92k password-free cable login. seriously.


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My brother just picked up a 46" Samsung LCD w/ 120Hz 1080p blah blah blah. It looks sweet, blacks are black, and that's it. If you think it looks good then wtf is the problem? Go out and make your own decision...

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Guest pulsewarrior

I have a friend that bought a Panasonic Plasma when they were first really hitting the market and he paid a fortune for it. However the color richness is almost unrivaled in any LCD I've seen - it looks so damn good. Never any motion issues either. I can definitely see the appeal and will start shoppping around - I assumed these would be more pricy than LCDs though? Being a Sony whore I had a browse but it doesn't look they are producing them perhaps but in the higher end XBR series? My main use for this will be HDTV and film, mostly blu-ray. Standard TV anymore and even many dvds look rubbish after you've been introduced to HD.


LOL Alzado, what are the real considerations for crystal / pixel ratio? I heard that the rule of thumb is to always go with multiples of 2x10^4.43 which can evenly divide into 30. This yields maximum pixel viscosity and defers latent lumen re-triggering to an offboard buffer cache which can safely re-implement during every 5th screen draw as needed. Obviously this contradicts fundamental laws of differential refraction (as you know), but I think this is an appropriate risk, and any videophile will agree - fast action-rendering simply doesn't stand up under inferior cp ratios. In regards to my CRT, I was firing about 15.9m colors/ns with a custom tuned pallette that I whacked onto the firmware via a flash rom modulator.

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Guest pulsewarrior

if you are using your new tv for gaming, lcd is a safer choice as plasmas can suffer from screen burn.


I've read this although I hear it's fast becoming a thing of the past (or has been overcome)?


I also hear they draw more power, generate more heat and are heavier. Not big drawbacks I suppose. A plasma owner I know did make the mistake of using windex on his screen though - left big permanent streaks, a real shitter.

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Guest pulsewarrior

Speaking as an owner of a Samsung LNS4041-D LCD and having advised friends to go w/Samsung LCD's - they are good, but would still suggest getting a plasma if you're going to be using this for primarily movie watching.


Plasmas tend to have better blacks and perform better in semi-lighted environments. I think a lot of advances in tech between when I got my TV and now have reduced many of the issues with burn-in - contrast ratio DOES make a difference so go for the highest one you can find.


Agree w/the poster above about the 120hz tv's - don't plan on them being future proof for 3d apps. Too much vaguery about what tech exactly will be the new standard for 3d, so I'd wait until something has been decided.


If you do go w/LCD - Samsung's are great. Solid, affordable, choice, have been 99% pleased with mine (though, again, will get a plasma when I do upgrade).


Panasonic Elite's are the end-game though - fuckers are shit-hot awesome.


What did you pay for your LNS4041-D may I ask ?

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