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Clark - Chillout DJ

Guest Backson

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Guest Backson

there was a bonus track to Totems Flare called somthing like "Chillout DJ"


i think it may have been an iTunes bonus


i think it was really long aswell


anyone know about this, and save me a simple forum search or going on the iTunes store?

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Pretty sure it was an itunes exclusive or something like that, I seem to recall it was something like 12 minutes of drone followed by 3 minutes of noise or vice versa.


Just ol' Bob's opinion here but it's kind of a shit throwaway track and probably not worth the time and/or money.

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Guest Backson

Pretty sure it was an itunes exclusive or something like that, I seem to recall it was something like 12 minutes of drone followed by 3 minutes of noise or vice versa.


Just ol' Bob's opinion here but it's kind of a shit throwaway track and probably not worth the time and/or money.

true, i wouldn't want to pay. but i'd still like to hear it.


frankly Clark's noise is much better than most people's.

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Hrhr that tune actually first pissed me off, but after a proper listen I started to like it. Really good stuff if you're full of music from partying/producing and want to chill.

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

Clark usually delivers the goods when it comes to bonus tracks , but the Totems Flare bonus tracks are.....ehhhhhhhhhhhhh.........tedious .

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