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This really sucks but I need some help...


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Hello everyone,


Pretty much, cutting a long story short, with all I've had over the last few weeks, especially the Mono breaking down on me, I need some cash. Unfortunately I have nothing to sell other than my own music.


Here's the long story:

Recently I moved the FIR website over to a new host and transferred the domain. It's now much cheaper to run, and all the music itself is available to buy on BandCamp and other sites. I contacted 1&1 internet, my old provider, whether I could make this transfer without having to pay for another 6 months of hosting. I was told I could, so went ahead with the transfer. They're now asking me to pay upwards of £30 for half a year's worth of hosting which I don't actually have, need or want. I've contacted them twice, telling them that I was given conflicting information yet they insist that they are taking the payment.


Therefore, what I'm offering is free Future Image or P/R/P/E releases on Future Image Records for LIFE if you head over to BandCamp and buy an album/whole release. I can then add you to the "discount list" on future releases. I can assure you now that a new Future Image mini-album is on its way as long as a second P/R/P/E album.


Please note that you must buy a DOWNLOAD of a whole release from BandCamp (no CDrs) for this offer to work. The release must either be by Future Image or Pop/Rock/Punk/Electronic. This offer will only last a limited time as well - as soon as 1&1 get their £30 it'll be over.


I don't like begging people, but there's no other way at the moment. It's a really lame thing to do, but I've been conned by a company that really don't need £30 as much as I do at the moment.


Thank you!

Finlay S


P.S. Don't EVER go with 1&1 Internet.

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Guest Rabid

Hello everyone,


Pretty much, cutting a long story short, with all I've had over the last few weeks, especially the Mono breaking down on me, I need some cash.

yo wtf, I was diagnosed with mono today. Though I've had it for a month.


I wish I could help you but I have no $$$ myself :(

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not a good look.

Man I know, this is total last resort here. I contacted 1&1 beforehand to ask whether I could cancel without being charged and they gave me the go ahead. Now they're telling me I owe them £30 which I don't have.

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This sort of stuff grinds my gears so bad.. always happens to me...


if you know the time of the call you might get away with it by escalating. Always ask to speak to the manager etc if you are not getting anywhere. Also threatening to go to consumer affairs or any other similar organisations might help (or even going to then for advice).


And with hindsight - when dealing with bureaucracies and money and taking peoples word - always note the time of the call and ask who you are speaking to - 50% of the time shit goes wrong.


I once had a one year war with a government department like this that used up so many more man hours than the amount in question. I had about 100 pages of correspondence by then end. (I won, but they were threatening me with debt colelctors by the end)Pisses me off when they haven't trained the phone people properly - that is firmly their responsibility.


They probably wouldn't call the debt collectors over 30 pounds anyway...(?)

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This sort of stuff grinds my gears so bad.. always happens to me...


if you know the time of the call you might get away with it by escalating. Always ask to speak to the manager etc if you are not getting anywhere. Also threatening to go to consumer affairs or any other similar organisations might help (or even going to then for advice).


And with hindsight - when dealing with bureaucracies and money and taking peoples word - always note the time of the call and ask who you are speaking to - 50% of the time shit goes wrong.


I once had a one year war with a government department like this that used up so many more man hours than the amount in question. I had about 100 pages of correspondence by then end. (I won, but they were threatening me with debt colelctors by the end)Pisses me off when they haven't trained the phone people properly - that is firmly their responsibility.


They probably wouldn't call the debt collectors over 30 pounds anyway...(?)

my sister works for the debt collection department of a very large bank here in the UK. when i was considering moving to America to be with my fiancée i asked my sister if i would be tracked down for the money i owed (at the time, it was around £1,500) - she said that even if i only owed £2, they'd chase me for it.


never underestimate a company's will to fleece you.

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They probably wouldn't call the debt collectors over 30 pounds anyway...(?)

I Googled this before posting and read that people have been contacted by 1&1's baliffs for a mere £15.

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