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Is this IDM?


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I'm surprised nobody brought this up today.


I have no fucking clue what's going on but it sounds like they have some footage that the US 'uppers' don't want getting out. All I have to go on is here which is tenuous, I know.


However, if it's all true, and these guys really broke encryption on some US Military shit...that's like, IDM, isn't it?

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the whole Wikileaks thing is pretty important, i wish it was getting bigger play in the media. The us right now is trying as hard as they can to shut them down before they release a video on april 5th supposedly showing american soldiers ouright killing civilians



imagine being this dude

EDITORIAL:U.S. must stop spying on WikiLeaks


Fri Mar 26 08:44:46 UTC 2010


Over the last few years, WikiLeaks has been the subject of hostile acts by security organizations. In the developing world, these range from the appalling assassination of two related human rights lawyers in Nairobi last March (an armed attack on my compound there in 2007 is still unattributed) to an unsuccessful mass attack by Chinese computers on our servers in Stockholm, after we published photos of murders in Tibet. In the West this has ranged from the overt, the head of Germany's foreign intelligence service, the BND, threatening to prosecute us unless we removed a report on CIA activity in Kosovo, to the covert, to an ambush by a "James Bond" character in a Luxembourg car park, an event that ended with a mere "we think it would be in your interest to...".


Developing world violence aside, we've become used to the level of security service interest in us and have established procedures to ignore that interest.


But the increase in surveillance activities this last month, in a time when we are barely publishing due to fundraising, are excessive. Some of the new interest is related to a film exposing a U.S. massacre we will release at the U.S. National Press Club on April 5.


The spying includes attempted covert following, photographing, filming and the overt detention & questioning of a WikiLeaks' volunteer in Iceland on Monday night.


I, and others were in Iceland to advise Icelandic parliamentarians on the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, a new package of laws designed to protect investigative journalists and internet services from spying and censorship. As such, the spying has an extra poignancy.


The possible triggers:


our ongoing work on a classified film revealing civilian casualties occurring under the command of the U.S, general, David Petraeus.

our release of a classified 32 page US intelligence report on how to fatally marginalize WikiLeaks (expose our sources, destroy our reputation for integrity, hack us).

our release of a classified cable from the U.S. Embassy in Reykjavik reporting on contact between the U.S. and the U.K. over billions of euros in claimed loan guarantees.

pending releases related to the collapse of the Icelandic banks and Icelandic "oligarchs".

We have discovered half a dozen attempts at covert surveillance in Reykjavik both by native English speakers and Icelanders. On the occasions where these individuals were approached, they ran away. One had marked police equipment and the license plates for another suspicious vehicle track back to the Icelandic private VIP bodyguard firm Terr. What does that mean? We don't know. But as you will see, other events are clear.


U.S. sources told Icelandic state media's deputy head of news, that the State Department was aggressively investigating a leak from the U.S. Embassy in Reykjavik. I was seen at a private U.S Embassy party at the Ambassador's residence, late last year and it is known I had contact with Embassy staff, after.


On Thursday March 18, 2010, I took the 2.15 PM flight out of Reykjavik to Copenhagen--on the way to speak at the SKUP investigative journalism conference in Norway. After receiving a tip, we obtained airline records for the flight concerned. Two individuals, recorded as brandishing diplomatic credentials checked in for my flight at 12:03 and 12:06 under the name of "US State Department". The two are not recorded as having any luggage.


Iceland doesn't have a separate security service. It folds its intelligence function into its police forces, leading to an uneasy overlap of policing and intelligence functions and values.


On Monday 22, March, at approximately 8.30pm, a WikiLeaks volunteer, a minor, was detained by Icelandic police on a wholly insignificant matter. Police then took the opportunity to hold the youth over night, without charge--a highly unusual act in Iceland. The next day, during the course of interrogation, the volunteer was shown covert photos of me outside the Reykjavik restaurant "Icelandic Fish & Chips", where a WikiLeaks production meeting took place on Wednesday March 17--the day before individuals operating under the name of the U.S. State Department boarded my flight to Copenhagen.


Our production meeting used a discreet, closed, backroom, because we were working on the analysis of a classified U.S. military video showing civilian kills by U.S. pilots. During the interrogation, a specific reference was made by police to the video---which could not have been understood from that day's exterior surveillance alone. Another specific reference was made to "important", but unnamed Icelandic figures. References were also made to the names of two senior journalists at the production meeting.


Who are the Icelandic security services loyal to in their values? The new government of April 2009, the old pro-Iraq war government of the Independence party, or perhaps to their personal relationships with peers from another country who have them on a permanent intelligence information drip?


Only a few years ago, Icelandic airspace was used for CIA rendition flights. Why did the CIA think that this was acceptable? In a classified U.S. profile on the former Icelandic Ambassador to the United States, obtained by WikiLeaks, the Ambassador is praised for helping to quell publicity of the CIA's activities.


Often when a bold new government arises, bureaucratic institutions remain loyal to the old regime and it can take time to change the guard. Former regime loyalists must be discovered, dissuaded and removed. But for the security services, that first vital step, discovery, is awry. Congenitally scared of the light, such services hide their activities; if it is not known what security services are doing, then it is surely impossible to know who they are doing it for.


Our plans to release the video on April 5 proceed.


We have asked relevant authorities in the Unites States and Iceland to explain. If these countries are to be treated as legitimate states, they need to start obeying the rule of law. Now.


—Julian Assange (editor@wikileaks.org)

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Guest Gary C

I do wonder why they've set a release date. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


If a source has promised them the video on that date then it's inexcusable to have announced anything before having it to publish.

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Guest Babar

sometimes xnxx and such endorse the role of wikileaks. Every now and then you can find vids featuring G.I.s raping teenage iraqui girls. Most of time they quickly get deleted. I wonder whether it's self-censorship or censorship.

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just sent it to someone and his response was


'hmm doesn't say anything in this document about them trying to take down wikileaks, they just point out how it could be jeopardizing national security'


cognitive dissonance is a beautiful thing folks!

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shiiiiiiiiii-t would that dodgey radio show happen to be alex jones. regardless id like to hear the source of that info if you can find it


Yep , it is Alex Jones . He is a big time alarmists , but i don't know man , shit is getting surreal.

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whoa, awe, could you go into more detail about these rape videos?


that just seems insane on all levels, no doubt it has been happening, but surely the military would have had a better handle at preventing any video being made of that in the first place....was the video done by bystanders? i dont understand.

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whoa, awe, could you go into more detail about these rape videos?


that just seems insane on all levels, no doubt it has been happening, but surely the military would have had a better handle at preventing any video being made of that in the first place....was the video done by bystanders? i dont understand.



Alex Jones is a dodgy character , his sources are "Anonymous". You should also know he is a big fat alarmists.


paraphrasing -" Jones: The CIA have Wikileaks under surveillance. According to my sources , they (Wikileaks) have documents that show the criminal activities THE CIA has been conducting since its beginnings.Wikileaks also have video proof , of CIA agents , harassing , torturing and killing independent bloogers and journalists , including Iranian Journalist (I don't know how to spell his name) , who was killed early this year") - End of paraphrasing.


I will try to find audio of that specific show , i am not an avid listener(nor a fan). The day i heard this , i was browsing random internet radio station and found his show.

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whoa, awe, could you go into more detail about these rape videos?


that just seems insane on all levels, no doubt it has been happening, but surely the military would have had a better handle at preventing any video being made of that in the first place....was the video done by bystanders? i dont understand.



Alex Jones is a dodgy character , his sources are "Anonymous". You should also know he is a big fat alarmists.


paraphrasing -" Jones: The CIA have Wikileaks under surveillance. According to my sources , they (Wikileaks) have documents that show the criminal activities THE CIA has been conducting since its beginnings.Wikileaks also have video proof , of CIA agents , harassing , torturing and killing independent bloogers and journalists , including Iranian Journalist (I don't know how to spell his name) , who was killed early this year") - End of paraphrasing.


I will try to find audio of that specific show , i am not an avid listener(nor a fan). The day i heard this , i was browsing random internet radio station and found his show.


i used to have some respect for Jones, but after hearing his interview with Chomsky I abhor the man. he's the fringe's sean hannity.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

i'm on the edge of my seat. while-u-wait there was an interesting programme on bbc 4 a few weeks ago about pentagon papers leaker daniel ellsberg, "the most dangerous man in america" - just checked and you've still got two days to watch it online if you're in the uk http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00qvkrr most likely torrentable if you live elsewhere.

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Wikileaks has a video tape of Barack Obama transmogrifying into a lizard-man.



tell me more about this video



I don't have video , but i have this picture of him (as a reptilian) chilling..





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whoa, awe, could you go into more detail about these rape videos?


that just seems insane on all levels, no doubt it has been happening, but surely the military would have had a better handle at preventing any video being made of that in the first place....was the video done by bystanders? i dont understand.



Alex Jones is a dodgy character , his sources are "Anonymous". You should also know he is a big fat alarmists.


paraphrasing -" Jones: The CIA have Wikileaks under surveillance. According to my sources , they (Wikileaks) have documents that show the criminal activities THE CIA has been conducting since its beginnings.Wikileaks also have video proof , of CIA agents , harassing , torturing and killing independent bloogers and journalists , including Iranian Journalist (I don't know how to spell his name) , who was killed early this year") - End of paraphrasing.


I will try to find audio of that specific show , i am not an avid listener(nor a fan). The day i heard this , i was browsing random internet radio station and found his show.


i used to have some respect for Jones, but after hearing his interview with Chomsky I abhor the man. he's the fringe's sean hannity.



he's the self anointed leader of all this fringe stuff, and some of it is actually really important information that kind of doesnt get taken seriously because of how insane/meglomaniacal the messanger is.

he always calls himself the 'father of the 9/11 truth movement' but he hasn't contributed anything substantial himself, he steals scoops from other people and calls them his own. I was actually the one who told his website (via email) that Rosie Odonnel started talking about 9/11 on her blog and he turned around and acted like he found it for himself.

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