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who is the guy who gave me this random 35 tracks thing?


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how is it? I have both Old Tunes I & II and I am not that big of a fan of them.. how does this "35 tracks" compare? is it worth looking into?



wtf, how could you like BoC and not like old tunes?

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Guest margaret thatcher

to be honest, i've played old tunes much much more than geogaddi or the campfire headphase.

i'm gonna get slaughetered for that in here, but it's the truth, god damnit!

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to be honest, i've played old tunes much much more than geogaddi or the campfire headphase.

Maybe not Geogaddi, but I've certainly played them all three of the old tunes collections more than TCH.

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Guest mafted

as i know it they were a collective of people before becoming a name on Skam and Warp. those sub par tracks could be done by randomly related people who contributed stuff here and there. i think that's the only way you can explain the obvious difference in quality and style of tracks. it's a really interesting collection, imo.

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