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Gulf Coast oil spill could eclipse Exxon Valdez


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I've come to realize something over the course of the last few days. All the fear mongering, misinformation and secrecy is only a part of a slow buildup. We aren't even close to the climax of this giant mess.


When the storms build up, and towns all across the gulf and Florida are basically left economically devastated we'll finally reach a climax. Everything up until now will be forgettable compared to the shit that's going to go down throughout the summer.


Watch this to get an idea on why... A scientist on the show basically says he was optimistic two weeks ago, but now is spouting some pretty apocalyptic shit



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120,000 barrels a day, and there may be no way to put this out, which means the gulf of mexico will run out of oxygen basically...


The only thing at this point is dropping a bomb down and trying to close the hole... thats our last resort

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I've come to realize something over the course of the last few days. All the fear mongering, misinformation and secrecy is only a part of a slow buildup. We aren't even close to the climax of this giant mess.


When the storms build up, and towns all across the gulf and Florida are basically left economically devastated we'll finally reach a climax. Everything up until now will be forgettable compared to the shit that's going to go down throughout the summer.


Watch this to get an idea on why... A scientist on the show basically says he was optimistic two weeks ago, but now is spouting some pretty apocalyptic shit



the highest amount of misinformation and fear mongering i've read comes from you tbh.

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I've come to realize something over the course of the last few days. All the fear mongering, misinformation and secrecy is only a part of a slow buildup. We aren't even close to the climax of this giant mess.


When the storms build up, and towns all across the gulf and Florida are basically left economically devastated we'll finally reach a climax. Everything up until now will be forgettable compared to the shit that's going to go down throughout the summer.


Watch this to get an idea on why... A scientist on the show basically says he was optimistic two weeks ago, but now is spouting some pretty apocalyptic shit



the highest amount of misinformation and fear mongering i've read comes from you tbh.




care to back that up? the only thing I have posted that I know was false was the BP Twitter, which ended up being a clever dupe.


"tbh" its hilarious that you think I am providing the information... I am simply the messenger asshole, if you think this is overblown or not important, then don't enter the thread.

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well, this oil spill is of course a terrible incident which could have easily been avoided by BP investing just a little amount of their cash in better security. So yeah i hope they will really be held accountable for damage recovery 100% as they promised.


End of the world? hmmm…




Use of nuclear weapons? LOL!

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its already looking like the end of most of the Gulf Coast for the rest of our lifetimes...


and yes, the concept of putting a bomb/nuclear bomb to close the leak is being toyed with, but its definitely a last resort, cause it could make matters a lot worse too...


basically if they can't plug the leak because of too much pressure, then this leak will continue leaking for a good 9,000 years when the plates move enough

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Alright let's get something across to some of you wise asses... this is a picture of the oil yesterday


MOST of the oil CANNOT be seen yet because of the chemicals BP has been dumping CONSTANTLY since the spill/leak. Despite some in the scientific community arguing against using so much of these chemicals (does more harm than good to the environment) ... BP and the government continues to dump this shit in the water... So basically its a PR stunt, its delaying the landfall of the oil, but its not doing anything to help the situation in the long run, its actually going to make it a lot worse.


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Alright let's get something across to some of you wise asses... this is a picture of the oil yesterday



there's no scale on this picture, so it's meaningless.

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Alright let's get something across to some of you wise asses... this is a picture of the oil yesterday



there's no scale on this picture, so it's meaningless.


lol, you could easily just look at another map and find the scale... but again the point is MOST of it CANNOT be even seen... most of the oil is 4,000 feet below the ocean in massive plumes potentially about the size of the state of Maryland.

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i'm not quite sure who thought that we should mix black stuff from the middle of the earth into the blue stuff on the top of the earth, can someone enlighten me on the perpetual state of greed of humans, please...

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Some people keep on ignoring this topic and I understand how if you don't live on the Gulf you really aren't being affected by anything... but if they can't stop this blowout until August (relief well), and the GULF gets some massive hurricanes this Summer, this could be on the level of devastation that could send the US economy back into a big recession, which would probably cause a global recession like before. So all you europeans facing a failing of the EU... I would be somewhat concerned. At this point I am putting my tinfoil hat on, the way this is being ignored by the media up until very recently, and the governments complete failure to take action, shows me that both our government and corporations don't want people to really be worried about this situation. They keep reporting that its 5,000 barrels a day in AP reports and on reuters but since about 2 weeks ago its clear to scientists that this thing has to be leaking 40,000+ barrels at least! If the higher estimates are right, well my thread title "Gulf Coast oil spill could eclipse Exxon Valdez" is pretty laughable now... we are having an Exxon Valdez every 3-4 days.


We are on day 36 right now... so NINE Exxon Valdez so far.


With that much oil and it now slipping into the Gulf Stream, the US Government recently has been consistently warning Cuba to prepare for oil on their beaches.


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