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some singing lyric pop sort of stuff i'm working on

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just curious to see if the singing is ok and whatnot, or if it's just flat out bad


also lyrical content comments would be helpful


esp i'm singing


"i can really see

i can really see

i can see now

and you know that i can see

i've got esp you know that" etc

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Pushed too far back in the mix to really be able to tell. Right now they're sort of walking an awkward line between conventional song lyrics volume & ambient background texture volume. And maybe there's no much conflicting instrumental stuff going on, which might be causing the lack of focus.

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i have to be honest, i really don't like tim exile - i've heard listening tree before actually now that i know what it is. i like the idea but it's a little too flamboyant for my tastes.


if this is an imitation of anything (which it is) it's


max tundra, scritti politti (flamboyant for my tastes LOL), john zorn, sonic youth, abba, and arthur russell especially


i think the only track from these that i would consider tweaking/keeping would be "we just sat there"

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Guest Lube Saibot

Guy with Abba avatar says:


it's a little too flamboyant for my tastes


The irony implodes the universe.



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you guys need to give me a little feedback! i know more of you have listened to this than replies i've gotten. i really need to know if you electronic people find this even mildly appealing, as in aspects or the idea of it. i know it's not anywhere near perfect but i think the idea is cool?


seriously if your criticism is something like "man, this is hopeless, forget about it, try something else you will never be able to successfully write an interesting singing/lyrical song, especially with you singing it" then tell me! i'd rather know now then/than to keep wasting my time


tell me what you think of this too


it's rap with captain pack, upcoming rapper on it. my mixing of his vocals is fucking horrible but you'll get what we're going for


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just listened to we just sat there and i really liked it, man! like... much more than your other stuff! honestly you're sounding more like frank zappa with toned down instrumentation. there's some goofiness in the vocals that's really nice. the melodies in the beginning seemed a little atonal, but that can be fixed. i'll give the rest a listen. also how the fuck do you churn out tunes so quickly?


err frustrated to learn you've removed the songs from your account... put em up!


edit: oh and regarding the rap song.... the beat's pretty nice but that guys rap is absolutely awful lol. mixing wont fix that. i just don't like his voice or his flow

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The thing with a lot of your tracks is, for me anyway, there's so much going on that it's hard to really make sense of it. Even the craziest Venetian Snares type music (not saying you sound like Venetian Snares, just using him as a point of reference as far as crazy fast music goes) has a sort of theme or feeling of direction. I think you need to emphasize those a bit more, even with (especially with) really detailed tracks).

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i decided that i like these songs actually and the hip hop song is taken down, very undone




Try to control what it is that you yourself think about

Certain things make you feel bad


I think about people in the world

And what do they think about?


Some certain things can really put you down

And I know it hurts


I do try to watch myself all the time

If I don't then I feel bad


I think about people in the world

And what do they think about?


Some certain things can really put you down

And I know it hurts






I can really see

I can really see

And you know that I can see

I've got E.S.P.

You know that

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Ya, I agree with cryptowen. Your music is like a lot of things just mashed together and not very coherent, much like the threads you post. Haven't had a chance to listen to these as I'm at work and don't have sound/headphones. It also seems you rush to put up ideas before you have developed them. Just because you had an idea and threw a track together doesn't mean it should be immediately shared. I think that is a big problem today and part of the lack of quality in a lot of "amateur" music. If I can throw down a nice melody and beat, throw it up online and get good feedback along with that sense of satisfaction, then why bother fleshing it out or whatver.


edit: listened to we just sat there. had some nice moments. agree the vocals are too low in the mix. vocals are even lower on esp. and there's so much discordant noise and fuzz over the top that it drowns out a lot of the nice melodies and stuff.

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