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Lets talk of religion and "the creation" as a fact!


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I've watched this before but now that I watch it again, I feel even more frustrated.

And as I do, I can kind of imagine how it must be to be "proven" wrong as a so called true believer of some sort.

When you "know" that what you believe in, is just so correct, and this other part that you're arguing with, just don't get it.

I mean I wonder if there's any point at all in arguing with this guy? Really makes me wonder what the point would be - perhaps only to convince him to stop spreading lies.


the videos that follow just adds one facepalm after the other...


HOW THE FUCK is this even possible to be accepted in such enlightened (oh my lol :ohmy:) parts of the world. I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaally glad I've grown up the way I have and not having to put up with facing the real IRL when I should have gotten in touch with life outside a religious upbringing...


please bring some rage here, or even better some constructive critic towards either believning or not, or why you should or not, or how fucking annoying the ignorance is....

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Guest disparaissant

If it makes you feel any better, he's currently serving time in Federal Prison for tax evasion. Apparently since his work is the work of GOD, and GOD comes above the government, he didn't feel the need to pay taxes on the millions of dollars he extorted from dumb rednecks. Killer part is his "defense" used that Bible verse "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's," which was Jesus saying "PAY YOUR TAXES BECAUSE ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!"


Also his doctoral dissertation reads like something I would have written when I was 5 http://www.noanswersingenesis.org.au/bartelt_dissertation_on_hovind_thesis.htm

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Guest Jimbob

i'd just chill and ignore it if i was you mate, you'll just wind yourself up watching this :rolleyes:


as will i actually

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Yeah kind of pleasant to hear and I'll read that right away. Still eg. Palin was up for VP with some truly fucked up beliefs (tho stunning her mind can actually imagine something) - just saying what the fuck is wrong with tons of brains in the western world.

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indeed you can't keep up counteracting everything, but you can focus on some things and this is one of the things that has really been fucking with my well being over the years - this as I've seen the lies working in action right before my eyes.


also "god bless america" :facepalm: ...

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I mean I wonder if there's any point at all in arguing with this guy?


no, because the religious do not follow the rules of logic. they can always resort to faulty statements like, "god is testing us, so he's just making evidence for this and that to separate the believers from the sinners" and the old school version "the devil did it!"


the best cure for religion is ignoring it and making sure it doesn't spread to the next generation eg. don't teach it to your kids. you can't do much for the already indoctrinated.


except for killing them, like comrade stalin did. but mass murder is generally frowned upon, so let's keep atheism civil.

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Guest disparaissant

dude on the top left's a dead ringer for kenneth from 30 rock. i bet genesis was his favorite part of science class, too.

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If people were raised (being "taught", "educated", told what to believe, brainwashed) that the world was created in a giant popcorn machine, half the population would be worshipping corn on sundays...

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Guest JW Modestburns

If people were raised (being "taught", "educated", told what to believe, brainwashed) that the world was created in a giant popcorn machine, half the population would be worshipping corn on sundays...


Nice idea, think that could work with sideburns?

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Kent Hovind is a lame-o.

You should try looking up debates & speaches by people like

Dr. William Lane Creig, Dr. Frank Turek, or Dr. Norman L Geisler.


Dr William Lane Creig vs Dr. Peter Atkins


Dr. Frank Turek vs Christopher Hitchens

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Guest disparaissant

Kent Hovind is a lame-o.

You should try looking up debates & speaches by people like

Dr. William Lane Creig, Dr. Frank Turek, or Dr. Norman L Geisler.


Dr William Lane Creig vs Dr. Peter Atkins


Dr. Frank Turek vs Christopher Hitchens


Yeah, those guys are pretty lame-o, too. Sorry.

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Guest disparaissant

you really have to respect all religions. atheism is a religion, and a pretty fucking dim one at that (imo).


atheism is not a religion, it's a set (or lack thereof, depending on your point of view) of beliefs.

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if you are smart enough to realize that all those religions are bullshit and that there is possibly not a god then you should be smart enough to know that there is a fuck ton more than what the eye can see and what the human mind can comprehend and that there are clearly alternate dimensions that we are completely unaware of, and things that science is completely wrong about that we accept as truth that will definitely be proven wrong eventually, and so on


atheism is just as much a religion as christianity, now more than ever though. i'm being extreme but i'm trying to make a point


lets just put it this way, atheism is a religion IN THAT atheism has it's own set of beliefs surrounding a GOD. a single god. that god is science. atheists, while saying they have no god, actually do have a god it's just that we have to truly examine what the definition of god is to realize this.

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i feel very strongly about this topic because i was raised atheist and i have a unique viewpoint on what most people who hold themselves in high regard in terms of intelligence believe to be the closest thing to the truth, when there is more to it. people who are atheists would benefit from exploring spirituality. i don't understand it i'm just saying science has it's faults.


fuck i feel like the village idiot right now, i'm going to stop arguing my point. but i do believe it.

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Guest disparaissant

well, i personally disagree. in my opinion, religion kind of denotes some kind of practice. belief is belief, and is a seperate thing from religion itself. you can believe in god and not be religious, or you can be the kind of frothing-at-the-mouth atheist that one cannot help but call religious.


also, i'd disagree that atheism's "god" is science. certainly there are atheists that place an inordinate amount of faith in science, but that certainly doesn't mean that all atheists worship at the altar of the scientific method, or anything. i don't believe in any sort of higher power (at least not one that's conscious in any way, shape, or form,) but i've certainly seen things and been party to things that one simply can't explain with science. at least not sufficiently. furthermore, belief in the supernatural doesn't really equate in any way to belief in god. you could, for instance, believe in werewolves but not in god. you'd still be an atheist.


in short, atheism doesn't really preclude one from believing that the inexplicable happens, it just means you don't believe in god.

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Guest disparaissant

p.s. - fuck richard dawkins for confusing so many people about the definition of atheism. well, i guess the blame doesn't really lie with him. fuck every 15 year old who bought and read the blind watchmaker and completely missed the point and started freaking out about science.

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you really have to respect all religions. atheism is a religion, and a pretty fucking dim one at that (imo).

No, I don't.

And no, it isn't.


Why should anyone have respect for an organization that perpetuates mass delusion?


I used to have a very "live and let live" attitude regarding organized religion, but seeing that most organized religions do not share that "live and let live" ethic - I've changed my point of view.

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Guest disparaissant

forget it


ignore him, i thought you made some interesting points and want to know what you thought of mine.

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