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Rand Paul (son of Ron Paul)

Guest blicero

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Guest blicero

This video is infuriating. Regardless of your feelings on Maddow, it's hard to ignore that this guy is doing his best to conveniently hide the fucked up side of his hyper-libertarian agenda (a/k/a the private sector can do whatever the fuck they want):




Fuck this dude.

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Guest disparaissant

lol it took him less than 24 hours to recant and say he was being stupid. whattacunt.

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I fucking love that his name is "Rand."


And by love, mean it makes me puke and destroys what little hope I had left for humanity.

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Guest disparaissant

libertarians are left wing nutters

legalise weed

gay marriage

might as well join democrats


naw they want to deregulate everything, period, and turn america into a hellish corporatocracy the likes of which have only ever been seen in futuristic cyberpunk role-playing games.

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Guest chunky

libertarians are left wing nutters

legalise weed

gay marriage

might as well join democrats


naw they want to deregulate everything, period, and turn america into a hellish corporatocracy the likes of which have only ever been seen in futuristic cyberpunk role-playing games.


left wing anarchist nutters

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Guest disparaissant

yup xxx that's exactly the damn problem with libertarianism. i love that the argument presented by rand and other libertarians is that "oh, corporations only try to cheat the system because there's a system in place! do away with the regulations and they'd have no reason to try to do any of that!" of COURSE they wouldn't, it wouldn't be ILLEGAL for them to fucking dump chemicals in my backyard and inject me with thalidomide so i have flipper babies and cheat the stock market and do whatever the hell else they can get away with for a quick buck. it's the most retarded argument ever.




left wing anarchist nutters

it's not left wing though. i mean socially, yes. they are socially liberal. but fiscally they're conservative. as conservative as you can get.

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Most economic libertarians either have never hear the word "externality" (particularly with respect to resources/environment) or just plainly don't give a shit about anything but their short-term cash flow. I mean, that's a gross generalization, but. . . yeah.


Basically, the end result is corporate feudalism and pretty far removed from anything but Adam Smith's worst nightmares.

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Guest chunky

"The terms Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution, referring to the seating arrangement in parliament; those who sat on the left generally supported the radical changes of the revolution, including the creation of a republic and secularization" - wiki


I put 'em on the left. Crazy radicals who want to change everything. Conservatism is about saying "whoa, stop changing all this stuff dude". Free marketeers aren't the same thing as conservatives, even though they currently have a lot of influence in today's Republican Party and Tory Party (UK). I don't think Edmund Burke would have approved of Rand Paul, could be wrong though.

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Guest disparaissant

"The terms Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution, referring to the seating arrangement in parliament; those who sat on the left generally supported the radical changes of the revolution, including the creation of a republic and secularization" - wiki


I put 'em on the left. Crazy radicals who want to change everything. Conservatism is about saying "whoa, stop changing all this stuff dude". Free marketeers aren't the same thing as conservatives, even though they currently have a lot of influence in today's Republican Party and Tory Party (UK). I don't think Edmund Burke would have approved of Rand Paul, could be wrong though.


conservatives haven't been about keeping things the same since things started to change. these days they're more about setting things back. simply put, fiscal libertarians pretty much want a return to the robber barons and monopolies of the late 19th century.

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Guest chunky

simply put, fiscal libertarians pretty much want a return to the robber barons and monopolies of the late 19th century.

as the french revolutionaries wanted a return of pre-monarchist times! big change, big revolution in how things are done = left wing! :-)

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Guest disparaissant

simply put, fiscal libertarians pretty much want a return to the robber barons and monopolies of the late 19th century.

as the french revolutionaries wanted a return of pre-monarchist times! big change, big revolution in how things are done = left wing! :-)


not quite how polisci works. might not entirely make sense, but that's what the elitists in their ivory towers say.

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Guest disparaissant

you guys have guns over there, use them.


his peeps are the ones with all the guns. im a liberul pantywaist.

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waiting for EDGEY to come in here and tell me i'm a cunt.

I'll be polite... :wink:


Yes, I'm a libertarian. Yes, I read Ayn Rand.


Now that I've said that.. and you've all made assumptions about my politics, allow me to return the favor. All democrats are socialist tree-hugging jobless hippie faggots. All republicans are racist toothless inbreds fucking their sisters with the butt end of pa's shotgun.


Also, tea-baggers have co-opted the true libertarian intent - and they've diluted the politics of party.


It's troubling because I'm such a libertarian concerning individual rights and even the Fair Tax but it fucking fails to the hilt when anybody with even a little more power and money than you feels the same way because they can wind up fucking owning you and then using the same philosophy--"hey, everyone do as they please, it's my imperative to start a huge buttfuck corporation like BP and so what if I fucked up the gulf coast, I'm just exercising my freedom to capitalist endeavors; it's not my fault that the fish, wildlife, and coastal humans chose the Gulf as their home"

Stop treating business entities as if they were people, and you might be able to find a solution...

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Guest disparaissant

I think it's funny that so many libertarians thought we had shit much better off in the 1700s.


well libertarians are either rich people who are like FUCK YOU GOT MINE and just want more or poor idiots who think they'll make it big someday and get to oppress people with the best of em.

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big business aside, the linked article was about segregation in the private sector. And you know what? I'm fine with that. As long as public schools, govt, transportation, medical care, etc are desegregated, why should I care if some racist dude wants to make an exclusive little clubhouse for whiteys? Falls into the same category for me as the ban on smoking in bars, or helmet laws. Let people do what they want, civil society will sort itself out eventually, without prodding.

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Guest Helper ET

imagine if you injected hard deadly metals directly through the skull and into the brains of children, then locked them in a small classroom, and forced them to discuss american politics. it might be a lot like this thread

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Guest disparaissant

big business aside, the linked article was about segregation in the private sector. And you know what? I'm fine with that. As long as public schools, govt, transportation, medical care, etc are desegregated, why should I care if some racist dude wants to make an exclusive little clubhouse for whiteys? Falls into the same category for me as the ban on smoking in bars, or helmet laws. Let people do what they want, civil society will sort itself out eventually, without prodding.


it's not about that though. that would remove anti-discrimination laws in the workplace too. its not just about NO NEGROES EATIN IN MY RESTAURANT, it's about people getting away with not hiring people due to race (or any other factor, really.) and that wouldnt be as blatant as "NO IRISH NEED APPLY," that would just be silent crap. i mean, enough places have discriminatory hiring practices as it is, even with regulations. take away those regulations and bad things will happen.


in a perfect world, you're right, i'll give you that. the world's not perfect, though.


these paint chips are DELICIOUssss

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