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Laptop Fanz

Chris Moss Acid

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what's the best way of cleaning them out?


Compressed air? or take the laptop apart and clean the fans out?


my cpu is maxin' out and my laptop is getting Well hot which is slowing shit down. i need to clean the fans the most effective way. Also i may add that the fans no longer kick in when i start the laptop up. which they did a few weeks ago, really fast. now they've stopped.


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Best thing to do it take it apart. Hopefully your fan didn't die on you, if so $15 on ebay should get you a new fan assembly. Also look into 3rd party fan controlling software... I use I8Kfan for my Dell e1705 and it works very well.

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Depending on your laptop it might be a good idea to replace the heatpad between the cpu and heatsink with something like arctic silver. The generic heatpads tend to disintegrate after a year or two.

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What I did was turn it off, blow on it with my mouth really hard, and turn it back on. Now my fan is broken.... Good thing is that it encouraged me to get a new computer.

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