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pierre henry - psyché rock


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Guest Greg Reason

There's loads of brilliant Psych rock out there, from the obvious stuff like middle era Beatles, The Electric Prunes, The BBC Radiophonic Workshop/Delia Derbyshire, anything by David Axelrod, most of David Hassinger's productions, middle era Byrds, The Chocolate Watchband, Syd Barrett era Pink Floyd, The Pretty Things, Hendrix first three albums, selected Rolling Stones and Who, right through to the less obvious like The Third Bardo, The Accent, The Amboy Dukes, The Moles (which was Simon Dupree and the Big Sound), Jeff Beck era Yardbirds, Tyrnaround, The Seeds, the list goes on! So much good stuff!

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NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO! the point of the thread (and some of the point of the song too, i guess) is that it is not psych rock. the track is by pierre henry, who is a classical composer and a very academic sort of fellow, influential in early electronic music and musique concrete (i suppose that's partly why i find it so interesting).


anyway henry was pretty much the opposite of a hairy hippy acid-taking type. it's actually one song of a five-part modern ballet for tape loops and orchestra and full band or something like that.


it's essentially his attempt at an emulation of psych rock i guess.

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Guest Greg Reason

I wouldn't call Delia Derbyshire, David Axelrod, David Hassinger, George Martin or Simon Dupree hairy hippies either but they made some of the most seminal psych rock known to man.

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this is also quite true, and very interesting because there's only a few years between say, the white noise and silver apples (and a lot of the tech was the exact same, at least as far as simeon's live setup would allow) - but i know which ones the cops would be picking out of a lineup for a haircut and a beating :emotawesomepm9:


there's a brilliant documentary on the inventors of the EMS on youtube:


some of the stuff in part 2 (3:00ish on) sounds exactly like something on ghost box. and 4:30 - 'the first concert given by a computer' :squarepusher:


early generative music in there too. absolutely bloody amazing.

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