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what to do in london

Guest mohamed

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I recently stayed in a hostel in the middle of Kensington right across the road from a museum. Even though I didn't get the chance to take a tour, it was there!


Hostel was cheap, but going out for food in Kensington was fucking pricey. Camden was amazing on the Saturday night.


I want to go back to Camden. ON MY FIXIE BIKE :emotawesomepm9:

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i hope on friday ill have money to go and friend to come with


i'm going alone, makes it better in certain situations, and this is one of these


tell me about parks. open spaces, silent landscapes around london. public transport accessible. are there any?


yes, hampstead heath, go to hampstead underground station and its about a 5 minute walk from there and while your there you might as well get a crepe from the high street. if you go to camden, hampstead is up the road from there.

hampstead heath


hmm, if i have to i might go alone, never been to a music/club thing on my jays before. i hope they'll be selling rephlex t-shirts there.


this is great. and waterlow, and battersea park too. they look perfect for late afternoon.


seeing that you insist, i think i'll give a look to that john soame, instead of one of the other museums maybe. it depends on how much i'll manage to move, and don't get stuck to one of the amazing places you're showing me off. if its the case to get stuck, i'll get stuck though.

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Go here, get drunk on deck and see the most famous landmarks without having to walk anywhere.


mmm.. too expensive


plus i have a built-in time bomb that if i don't move, my head explodes


only nature can stop it

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Go to Camden underground station. At the exit turn left, past all the funny looking trendies and dealers trying to sell you rolled up bin liner, and walk about 2 minutes. On the right hand side of the street you have Music & Video exchange. Great record shop. Also check out Soho record shops as well. There's about 5 in the same street. Don't bother with Blackmarket records though cause it's overpriced.


Anything else????

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Go to Camden underground station. At the exit turn left, past all the funny looking trendies and dealers trying to sell you rolled up bin liner, and walk about 2 minutes. On the right hand side of the street you have Music & Video exchange. Great record shop. Also check out Soho record shops as well. There's about 5 in the same street. Don't bother with Blackmarket records though cause it's overpriced.


got it


Anything else????


feel free to add other precise tips like the one above as they come to your mind. they're the most precious.


i'm writing down my plan as i check the internet for the places you mention. i started organizing my ideas from the museums. the national gallery has been removed from my list.


john soane's and the british will be seen. then i'll choose one between natural hystory and tate or both, depending on the time.


food and parks joints will follow. building this trip like a motherfucker :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest inteeliguntdesign
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great, so far i divided the visit in three parts


north with camden, for the hapmstead and the waterlow park. and music & video exchange

center with soho, for the records shop and the museums - battersea park if there is time

south with rephresh, for walking on the river banks and the tate modern if there is time


i've got kababs on the north, a hot pork roll with apple sauce, a double pie and mash and weatherspoon for cheap booze on the bankside


i need more food! (only good experiences pls)

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Berwick street, that's the kiddie. I think Sister Ray has been taken over now. One is called Reckless, another is a different M&V exchange (check out the bargain basement 10 records for £1). Vinyl junkies and Revival are also worth the look.


I used to spend wayyyy too much money on Berwick street. Be cautious.


Not too sure on food places around there. I used to eat at a pub on the corner of Regent street. Good for English pub food.

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on soho area a good pub to go to is the john snow, decent prices and sexy ladys. its on the same road as the soul jazz record shop:



how ever, one of my favourite pubs (owned by the brewery that own the john snow) is the princess louise on holborn (not to far from the john snow)




another good pub is in hampstead, the john snow, full of posh people (thats hampstead) but the building is lovely


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  • 7 months later...

on soho area a good pub to go to is the john snow, decent prices and sexy ladys. its on the same road as the soul jazz record shop:




Just a pointer, it's no longer OK to go to this pub because it's homophobic. A shame really, because I quite liked it.


No way? Fuckers!

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on soho area a good pub to go to is the john snow, decent prices and sexy ladys. its on the same road as the soul jazz record shop:




Just a pointer, it's no longer OK to go to this pub because it's homophobic. A shame really, because I quite liked it.


To be fair, it's not the type of pub where two drunken stereotypical guardian readers sticking their tongues down each others throats is going to go down particularly well, whether gay or straight. I suspect it was more about aesthetics than homophobia. Mixed soho/trade media/student crowd, but still a fairly no nonsense boozer. I was so disappointed the protesters didn't get kettled.

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Guest Iain C

on soho area a good pub to go to is the john snow, decent prices and sexy ladys. its on the same road as the soul jazz record shop:




Just a pointer, it's no longer OK to go to this pub because it's homophobic. A shame really, because I quite liked it.


To be fair, it's not the type of pub where two drunken stereotypical guardian readers sticking their tongues down each others throats is going to go down particularly well, whether gay or straight. I suspect it was more about aesthetics than homophobia. Mixed soho/trade media/student crowd, but still a fairly no nonsense boozer. I was so disappointed the protesters didn't get kettled.


Well, I've snogged my girlfriend there a few times in recent weeks without raising any eyebrows... but that's just my experience. And it's hardly some staid old boozer - mostly young meedja types and students in my experience.


Oh, and I've just realised you essentially said that in your post.

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