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James Blake inspired Remix

Guest JYA

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I tried to put my own twist on the whole James Blake sound(with some bits of Mount Kimbie, Joy Orbison and HudMo).

If you're not a fan of the original song give it a try nonetheless, since it's actually not even a remix per se, rather a standalone track, because they're honestly nothing alike.

I just called it a remix, so that I would not get in any trouble.

No worries, I did not sample the rap parts, haha.

I'd really appreciate it, if some of you guys would check it out.


Any kind of feedback is welcome.


Oh yeah, if there's any interest, I can upload a mp3, since youtube always puts a shitty compression on the songs.

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I like it. Just hate the vocals. Would like to hear your other your tracks because this is too much James Blake for me, but owerall it's great.

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Thanks a lot, guys.


I like it. Just hate the vocals. Would like to hear your other your tracks because this is too much James Blake for me, but owerall it's great.


Yeah, the thing is this is my first proper electronic track.

I was mostly writing metal and post-rock before that, so I'm still kinda trying to find my own sound, but I'll keep you updated.


Your tracks are fucking amazing btw. Just checked them out.

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Yeah, the thing is this is my first proper electronic track.

taking this new information into consideration you are well on your way friend - make people feel deeply! thats the best advice i could give

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Thanks a lot, guys.


I like it. Just hate the vocals. Would like to hear your other your tracks because this is too much James Blake for me, but owerall it's great.


Yeah, the thing is this is my first proper electronic track.

I was mostly writing metal and post-rock before that, so I'm still kinda trying to find my own sound, but I'll keep you updated.


Your tracks are fucking amazing btw. Just checked them out.


Thanks a lot man.


You're going right direction. Keep making electronic tracks and keep me updated.

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You are definitely on to something here, and if this is your first electronic track you have a gift!

It's a bit all over the place, but all in all there are a lot of good ideas. Also the track needs some mixing and compression, as the sounds stand too much on their own most of the time.


Good work, so keep doing it!

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Yeah, the thing is this is my first proper electronic track.

taking this new information into consideration you are well on your way friend - make people 'feel' deeply! thats the best advice i could give


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.



Thanks a lot man.


You're going right direction. Keep making electronic tracks and keep me updated.



Yeah, I will.


You are definitely on to something here, and if this is your first electronic track you have a gift!

It's a bit all over the place, but all in all there are a lot of good ideas. Also the track needs some mixing and compression, as the sounds stand too much on their own most of the time.


Good work, so keep doing it!


Thanks a ton, dude.

I really don't have much of a clue about mixing and need to read up on that quick.

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Nice track, especially for a 1st time electronic one. The vocals could use a tiny bit of delay or reverb. They're a bit up in your face at the moment.


Gets a bit abstract at the end, but we're fans of that kinda think here :happy:

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  • 2 months later...

I've got a new track, so I figured I'd be the best to post it here.




I honestly didn't put as much thought into it and wrote it pretty much in one stream, which is why I think that the track is not as good structured as the remix.

Some people said it had a Joy Orbison-like feel to it, though.


Anyway, let me know what you think.

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