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Anyone voting Tea Party?

Guest chunky

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"cities in Britain into smaller versions of Islamic countries"


Where is this happening? Apart from Whitechapel, its not.


Come to Cardiff where I live. Try the Islamic Republic of Birmingham. Try Wembley.


I lived there for 3 years and I found the Bengalis on the whole to be friendly, family oriented and hard working, surely all of the things youre wanting from a society.

I agree about Bengalis. I meet a lot of them at various Indian takeaways and I love the politeness and great service that they offer and I wouldn't say I have a problem with these guys at all. I'm not talking about them.


I fucking love diversity, it makes food, music, conversations, art....................... so much more interesting. And the English patron saint coming from Israel makes me smile.


I don't know about the word 'diversity' but I agree about good food, music, conversations, art, etc. When and where did I say otherwise?


"Why dont you do what Enoch did and move to Northern Ireland where a lot of people still love a bit of old fashioned sectarianism."

Erm, no. What a silly statement.

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lol, chunky. :facepalm:


homophobia is a latin word. it means "being afraid of homosexuality". "liberty" and "civilisation" lead to the declaration of human rights. human rights include being gay if you want to. (the concept of family is a bit older)


and not only lefties like to control language, controlling language gives/shows power. remember the "axis of evil", "freedom fries" etc.?


and regarding india/pakistan and borders... you know what happened there in the last 200 years? who raped india and split it in two? the britains? NOOOOO, THE TROTSKYISTS!!!


words have actual meaning, dude. your "arguments" must come straight from these brainwashing books you promote. the perversion of facts is ridicoulus. did you watch that cartoon on page 1? you should.

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lol, chunky. :facepalm:


homophobia is a latin word.

No, it's a neologism coined fifty years ago by Trotskyists who joined two latin word stems together.


"it means "being afraid of homosexuality"."

I'm not afraid of homosexuality. I think it's a boring habit of rich toffs for the most part and I don't really care about it.


"liberty" and "civilisation" lead to the declaration of human rights.

Liberty means we are allowed to do whatever we want unless it is illegal. The modern conception of "human rights" means you can only do what the government allows. Who would be against genuine human rights? No civilised person, which is why they use this lovely term for a very different and very suspicious concept to traditional liberty.


"human rights include being gay if you want to."

I'm not too interested in whether people are gay or not. It doesn't really matter.


"and not only lefties like to control language, controlling language gives/shows power. remember the "axis of evil", "freedom fries" etc.?"

Exactly, I don't agree with the Neocons or the Ayn Rand Libertarians on nearly anything. Did you realise that Laura Bush supports gay marriage but kept quiet about it until Obama took over? American Conservatives complain about George W. Bush's open borders policy and they worry about his lefty economic legacy! Is it a surprise that Bush and Blair were so close?


"and regarding india/pakistan and borders... you know what happened there in the last 200 years? who raped india and split it in two? the britains?"

Exactly, what a bloody tragic mess. I don't want that to happen in modern Britain.


"words have actual meaning, dude. your "arguments" must come straight from these brainwashing books you promote. the perversion of facts is ridicoulus. did you watch that cartoon on page 1? you should."


Yes my thoughts come from reading books and thinking them over. "the perversion of facts is ridicoulus" Which facts were perverted?

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lol, chunky. :facepalm:


homophobia is a latin word.

"it means "being afraid of homosexuality"."

I'm not afraid of homosexuality. I think it's a boring habit of rich toffs for the most part and I don't really care about it.


There isn't really such a thing as a "homophobe" or "sexist" or "Islamophobe"



:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

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exclusive footage of chunky


Pff, there are idiots like that on the left too. He doesn't represent the best that has been thought in conservatism so why attack this random guy? Sheople are sheople, that's a given. Where, specifically, do you disagree with a chap like Patrick Buchanan?

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where did you get your info from regarding the term homophobia?


and you dont care bout gays? the attributes in your first post show a lil more emotional involvedness, it cant be the marriage alone thats "fucking sick, gross, etc" no?


you said that "lefties like to control language". its not objective as i pointed out.


destroying of traditional family structure is happening everywhere in the modern world. ("patchwork-family"?!)


i get the impression that you want to blame everything "bad" on made-up foes like communism, strangers etc. when shown that its redundant, you agree. reality is complicated, its your job to find out about it before you make those statements...

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Very good summary for those who don't want to buy the book which was written to persuade the followers of George W Bush and Tony Blair that worship of Winston Churchill is a mistake. Far more persuasive than anything the Stop The War Coalition have produced.


you're assuming that most followers of george w bush know how to read.

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where did you get your info from regarding the term homophobia?

The date, from dictionary.com

I can't remember where but I've heard that Trotsky himself came out with it. To be honest I think it's older than this wiki psycholgist guy claims and that he didn't invent it. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, or find out the truth behind where it came from. Perhaps the important thing is not who first used it but which groups made it popular:- the socialists, Trotskyists, social democrats, basically everyone who knew that this tool could be used to exploit gay people to further their own goals.


and you dont care bout gays? the attributes in your first post show a lil more emotional involvedness, it cant be the marriage alone thats "fucking sick, gross, etc" no?

Yes it is the marriage part.


you said that "lefties like to control language". its not objective as i pointed out.

George W. Bush & Karl Rove are lefties...


destroying of traditional family structure is happening everywhere in the modern world. ("patchwork-family"?!)



i get the impression that you want to blame everything "bad" on made-up foes like communism, strangers etc. when shown that its redundant, you agree. reality is complicated, its your job to find out about it before you make those statements...


This is not an argument. It is a vague straw man.




Very good summary for those who don't want to buy the book which was written to persuade the followers of George W Bush and Tony Blair that worship of Winston Churchill is a mistake. Far more persuasive than anything the Stop The War Coalition have produced.


you're assuming that most followers of george w bush know how to read.



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Guest Ranky Redlof

exclusive footage of chunky


Pff, there are idiots like that on the left too. He doesn't represent the best that has been thought in conservatism so why attack this random guy? Sheople are sheople, that's a given. Where, specifically, do you disagree with a chap like Patrick Buchanan?

as an anarchist probably on most of not all points.

but these are really lolworthy:


"Our culture is superior because our religion is Christianity."

Buchanan said that despite Hitler's anti-Semitic and genocidal tendencies, he was "an individual of great courage."

He's often declared that AIDS is "nature's retribution for violating the laws of nature."

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"Part of a series of articles on




"Discrimination is a sociological term..."



"Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science..."


"For Isaiah Berlin, Marx may be regarded as the "true father" of modern sociology, "in so far as anyone can claim the title.""

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"Part of a series of articles on




"Discrimination is a sociological term..."



"Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science..."


"For Isaiah Berlin, Marx may be regarded as the "true father" of modern sociology, "in so far as anyone can claim the title.""


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Guest Dirty Protest

I dont know many toffs, but I do know quite a lot of homosexuals(theres a sentence that wouldnt have worked on the internet 10 years ago =) ) and to say that areas of Britain have been dominated by Islamic people and ideas is just a complete scaremongering exageration, but then if you have a problem with many im guessing that one falls under the too many bracket as well.


I have a friend that done PPE at Oxford and hes quite a good liberal thinker, but sometimes I think he falls into the trap of looking at numbers and forgets that the digits represent people, I think youre falling into the same trap. Except I could go for a pint with him dont think I could say the same about you.

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to say that areas of Britain have been dominated by Islamic people and ideas is just a complete scaremongering exageration,

There are 2.1 million Muslims living in Britain. One of the problems with that is that the only thing demagogues need to do these days is visit these towns and take a video of how the towns look, and gullible people will side with the demagogues, even though these demagogues worship Hitler in private. Check it:







but then if you have a problem with many im guessing that one falls under the too many bracket as well.



I have a friend that done PPE at Oxford and hes quite a good liberal thinker, but sometimes I think he falls into the trap of looking at numbers and forgets that the digits represent people, I think youre falling into the same trap.

The problem with numbers, yes, that's a major problem. Repatriation is out of the question, the politicians couldn't face the media backlash. Integration is out of the question, people don't want to integrate. The mistake was allowing that many people into the country. Dealing with the aftermath is going to be a mess. That's why I'm worried about mass bloodshed and the horror that could occur in future because of these stupid policies of Labour.


Except I could go for a pint with him dont think I could say the same about you.

Because then you might have to change your mind, and that would never do would it?


Islamophobe, pah, the words of Labour, the people who bombed, murdered, and maimed hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Labour voters ought to take responsibility for their stupid beliefs and wars. How many muslims have died or suffered greatly because of Labour's policies? Too many.

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Guest Dirty Protest

I live in East London, those videos were meant to show me what exactly? In the context of a city it really is negligible, beside them we have Polish, Chinese, Italian, Irish, Turkish, Greek areas and all over the world British areas in other countries, people like their own regardless of where they come from culturally. I could knock you a video up of me driving round Manchester pointing out all the Chinese in the centre or the twisted locks round Broughton, doesnt hide the fact that the city is white working class.

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I live in East London, those videos were meant to show me what exactly? In the context of a city it really is negligible, beside them we have Polish, Chinese, Italian, Irish, Turkish, Greek areas and all over the world British areas in other countries, people like their own regardless of where they come from culturally. I could knock you a video up of me driving round Manchester pointing out all the Chinese in the centre or the twisted locks round Broughton, doesnt hide the fact that the city is white working class.


as an american watching a video like it would be seen as overtly racist here. it surprises me that when some english people express their racism they do it with almost no embarrassment, very different from an american trying to justify why they dont like certain races of people

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I live in East London, those videos were meant to show me what exactly? In the context of a city it really is negligible,


No it isn't negligible when 3 miles from my home there are people holding banners saying:



France Go To Hell

Belgium Go To Hell

They shout "UK watch your back. Islam is coming back."

A Labour government wanted them to live here. Then the Labour government bombed, killed, and maimed their people. Now they're angry at us.

What happens when they take revenge on us? We'll take revenge on them. Then the cycle begins, leading to civil war. They're not only angry at the war and bloodshed. They're angry at France and Belgium for their cruel attacks on liberty in banning burkas, etc. Why do politicians want to ban the burka? Because they're too scared of the media to say that they don't like mass Islamic immigration, so they have to find silly side issues like banning burkas, which makes Muslims (rightly in my opinion) furious at the state giving them bad treatment after allowing them to live in that country.


beside them we have Polish, Chinese, Italian, Irish, Turkish, Greek areas and all over the world British areas in other countries


The level of mass immigration in Britain doesn't really compare to any other country. The number is massive. Maybe the U.S.A. is similar, but the USA has a different culture and huge amounts of land while Britain is a small island.


people like their own regardless of where they come from culturally.

Which is why multiculturalism is stupid, wrong, and dangerous.


I could knock you a video up of me driving round Manchester pointing out all the Chinese in the centre or the twisted locks round Broughton, doesnt hide the fact that the city is white working class.

In general, in Britain, Chinese like to integrate. In China itself it's quite different, the western part is Islamic and Chinese money reflects this by having Arabic writing on it. Chinese are being encouraged by their government to move to the Islamic areas, and many ancient Islamic communities are being eroded and worn down by the influx of Chinese. And many of the Islamic Chinese don't like it, which is quite reasonable.


I live in East London, those videos were meant to show me what exactly? In the context of a city it really is negligible, beside them we have Polish, Chinese, Italian, Irish, Turkish, Greek areas and all over the world British areas in other countries, people like their own regardless of where they come from culturally. I could knock you a video up of me driving round Manchester pointing out all the Chinese in the centre or the twisted locks round Broughton, doesnt hide the fact that the city is white working class.


as an american watching a video like it would be seen as overtly racist here. it surprises me that when some english people express their racism they do it with almost no embarrassment, very different from an american trying to justify why they dont like certain races of people


That's a false accusation and you should take it back

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" Discrimination portal"



"Portal was acclaimed as one of the most original games of 2007, despite being considered short in length"



"One of the oldest units of length measurement used in the ancient world was the 'cubit' which was the length of the arm from the tip of the finger to the elbow. "


"This means length of a an object is variable depending on the observer.""

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"Part of a series of articles onDiscrimination"


Discrimination is a sociological term..."


Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science..."


For Isaiah Berlin, Marx may be regarded as the "true father" of modern sociology, "in so far as anyone can claim the title.""


wat?? u cant be serious? dont know if i should laugh or cry.


(but btw, im just writing my master-thesis in... :cisfor: sociology :diablo: )




"The level of mass immigration in Britain doesn't really compare to any other country." bullshit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Europe


the western part of china is islamic? bullshit, only 1,5% of chinese citizens are islamic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_China



and if george w and karl rove are left, im the pope.



im outta here. i dont waste more time on this...

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