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Guest sweater weather

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i might sound harsh, that's just because i'm a perfectionist ;)


1st one: the intro is a bit too long but it's really got something, makes me wanna hear the rest. then the beat is terrible. so far in the mix, esp the snare that has no high freqs, and the kick. then it doesn't really go anywhere. once the beat enters some other synths should come in as well, to add some funk, something that would go in the same groovewise direction as the beat, and the voices should disappear. the ending is useless.


second one:

nice start, i like when there is no intro.

@ 1:00 i'm starting to need a change. one coming at 1:14 :) then back to the previous vibe, i was expecting some surprise, didn't occur :(

@ 3:00 sarting to be really needing some more changes, i won't be satisfied.

i guess the point is to make a haunting, repetitive, hypnotic track. the amen made me want some more creative, hyperactive energy. brightness, surprises, unexpected sounds and melodies...


maybe i didn't get it though.

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Th first was ambient and cool, but kinda bored me. No offense.


I was pretty impressed with the second. I'd say you did a pretty great job on it. It'd be cool to have a high, faster-paced melody come in at a couple points here and there.

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Guest sweater weather

thanks for the feedback guys


yea the first one is unnecessarily long, but when I made it i was just in a certain mindset and I wasnt trying to make it exciting or anything, i guess i just like the feel of it.


i did make a more uptempo remix of it tho (see below), but yey i've always wanted to do something more with the track.




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Guest sweater weather

thank you for the kind words guys


I'd quite like to have a go at remixing one, especially the first track.


definitely, just let me know. it would be awesome to hear someone else's interpretation of it.

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Guest fiznuthian

i am really digging the first one!

i don't tire of repetition in music.

though i can fully understand why some people do.

drones are like massages for my mind i think.


good job though, great sound.

gotta listen to the second now :smile:

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