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All Purpose New Years Thread


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I went out and did the get-irresponsibly-shitfaced thing last year. I spent the majority of January 1st hugging a toilet. Between the memories of that still being etched in my brain, and working liquor/wine retail over the holidays this year, I have absolutely no desire to be awake and popping champagne corks while slurring sentences at midnight. There's no doubt in my mind I'll be fast asleep by the time the ball drops this evening.


How many of you feel "too old to party"? There was a time in my life when I would take any available opportunity to go out and get as high/drunk as possible. Now, I have no desire at all to do such things. I'm much more content staying home and working on music than going to a loud bar full of shitty music, obnoxious drunks, and American football on TV. It causes me to get affectionately ridiculed by my friends as being an "old man", and be behind in terms of what's going on in my peers' social world, but I'm ok with that trade-off.


For me, looking back on 2010...


My musical output this year has been some of the best work of my life. People out there have paid money for my music, which is one of the most satisfying feelings I've ever felt. I've always wanted to produce & DJ EDM of any kind. Now I'm finally living that dream. I can't say enough good things about the advances of digital DJ technology (<3 Pioneer) and digital online music retailers (<3 digtial-tunes.net). Having an inner circle of producer friends I swap tracks with is totally awesome. I never thought I would be 'that guy'. Doing a weekly radio show is loads of fun.


I made a lot of money this year and paid off a good chunk of my car loan. I hate my job, though. This year I met the girl of my dreams. I'm going to move in with her in Atlanta hopefully early in 2011. They have a great, vibrant bass music scene there. The folks there booked me, a no-name DJ, on a system with 24 eighteen-inch subwoofers. I dropped a shitload of original productions and they went bananas for them. Totally stoked my music boner. Made me want to live there and I think I will. I have the opportunity to quit liquor retail and work in a university, get free room & board for a few months, and move to a new city where I can get regular work DJing. I think I'd be an idiot to pass that up.


I produced IDM and posted it on WATMM & Xltronic for almost 10 years under an assortment of aliases. Nobody cared. Now I've got people constantly hitting me up for tracks, stuff out on various labels, and even an anonymous track out on vinyl. Feels good, man.


I did my best this year to try to save the world. I started a recycling initiative at work, started eating vegitarian, recycled everything from paper to cardboard to plastic bags to take-out containers. I told everyone about the Wikileaks goings-on and tried to let people see that democrat/republican are still run by the same lobbyists and corporate entities. I told as many people as I could about Monsanto. I quit Facebook. I read Homestuck like a fucking crack addict.


In 2011...


I would like to travel more. I would like to get my passport and travel outside the country as much as possible. DJing is a great way to make money while travelling. I hope to get some tunes on some respected labels so that I can have a worldwide presence to get gigs with. I want to see more of the west coast. I want to go where it's warm.


I would like to volunteer with nonprofit organizations that do good. I bust my fucking ass unloading trucks full of Smirnoff and Jack Daniels, I can't help but feel if I have this energy to spend it should be spent wiping off oily ducks or something. I would like to make swimming sessions a weekly habit. I always feel awesome after swimming. I'm going to keep doing the production/DJing thing. I would like to make a full-length release of melodic home-listening electronica, like I used to years ago. Lately everything I make is intended for DJing, so it lacks the more creative song structure of stuff that doesn't take 8 & 16 bar counts into consideration.


That is all for me. Thanks for listening, WATMM. SHARE YOUR STORIES. Everyone's got something interesting to say and some form of deep contemplation behind the fart & penis jokes.

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just try and get more in shape. it's totally do-able because i've already started on it and it's not that hard. so health. moving to a new place some time too, change can be a good thing. work on music more, be more focused on my hobbies instead of being all over the place and feeling like i'm not getting enough done. my life needs more structure.

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Guest fiznuthian

before the year was up i gave up pot because it makes me lazy.

i've actually worked towards resolving my social anxiety disorder, and its somewhat working.

i'm raising a wonderful (but difficult) puppy.

i'm working towards getting back into class and finishing my higher education.


other than that i have accomplished very little.

but hey, its better than blowing all my hard earned cash on drugs and pretending i'm happy.


2011 i plan to eat even better than i already am, hike and exercise regularly with my dog,

develop a social life again, and budget my income..

modest goals i think!


so cheers dudes, sounds like we're doing alright.

and double cheers for treating our bodies right.. keep eatin' the veggies :beer:

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Guest AcrossCanyons

2010 was pretty horrible. Worst year of my life. Good riddance.


that sucks man. :sad: things looking up at all?


Nothing so far but I have hope. Could either get much better or take a horrible dive bomb where I have nothing left. *cross fingers*

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Gotta say. This past year was a good one for me.

It was the first that I can remember when I could afford to pay all of my bills while saving.

I got engaged, married and had an amazing honeymoon in Barbados.

Then, we spent Xmas in NYC, skated at Rockefeller Plaza and saw "It's a Wonderful Life" at a move theater.

Next year will be hard to top but we may be moving to LA, so a lot is in store.



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2010 has been pretty bad for me, which started actually at the last half of 2009. I want to be optimistic for 2011, but it already started pretty shitty.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

2010 has been pretty bad for me, which started actually at the last half of 2009. I want to be optimistic for 2011, but it already started pretty shitty.

Ditto. (apart from the last bit, nothings happened apart from I've played a little minecraft and watched shit tv :sorcerer: )

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Guest Ricky Downtown

2010 was nutZ with a capital z. this time last year my friend had just found out that his gf was cheating on him with me, so there was a lot of drama for a while. then i became even better friends with that dude after it all cooled off. finished an album over the summer. smoked a lot of weed. got too drunk too often. made a lot of new friends. started my first year of college and had a blast. fell in love and fucked it all up but 2011 is going to be great, i'm hopeful!


my new year's resolution: quit smoking cigarettes. and i'm also going for straight A's this semester. I promised my best friend i would do both these things, that bitch

and for anyone interested I got 3 b's and an a this semester, so i'm happy!

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Gotta say. This past year was a good one for me.

It was the first that I can remember when I could afford to pay all of my bills while saving.

I got engaged, married and had an amazing honeymoon in Barbados.

Then, we spent Xmas in NYC, skated at Rockefeller Plaza and saw "It's a Wonderful Life" at a move theater.

Next year will be hard to top but we may be moving to LA, so a lot is in store.




:beer: I got married too.

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