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Just a nice track I came up with tonight. Id recommend downloading it as streaming in 128 would be shit. The file is 320, if anyone wants the wav in 96/32 PM me and Ill see what I can sort out (for a fan :wub: )


Anyway, listen, enjoy and give some feedback if you like.




The bit from the half way point to the 3/4th's point is good. Give this to Bioware so they can put it in mass effect 3 and have it playing in a shop on loop, that is the best place for it.


Think it sounds fine in 128 though. All this bit rate stuff is retarded. Some of the best music is in 60. (haha) Embrace the digital.

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Guest Erothyme

Nice meditative tones, Chassis.


As far as the amount of BEATZ goes, I'd say (to my taste) either solid beats for much more of the track or none at all. The ambiance is rich, and while it doesn't keep my attention very well, it doesn't really have to.


But that's my impression. This is your music, your taste matters most!

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yeah sirch you sound like a noob telling stuff like that, but you're probably just taking the piss so...


what better place to do it than a chassis's thread, well chosen!!! :sup:


lol, no.. i wasn't taking the piss. i've been making music for around the same time as data... started with acoustic instruments at the age of 14/15, then got into computers. got the analog synth bug, collected a load, sold a load, then had a time in my mid 20's where i was completely digital and only used a PC and softwares, like chassis and data does now, then i went back to old hardware again, bought a load of gear again and i mostly use all hardware now just with a PC. and i'd still say everybody should own at least 1 real synth. but that's just me. even if it's just to get some analog warmth in there.. amongst all the thin digital cool. or even just for fun! , to play around with. to have and to hold, lol... like i said before, i can't really see why anybody wouldn't want to own a real synth of any kind, unless they couldn't afford it. which i completely understand and i'm not meaning to sound like a dick, just being honest. again, that's just me. each to their own, innit. :)


and data i didn't know what you were on about before when you said "(soundcloud etc in sig)". but now i realise you meant the links in your signature!! i'm not much into soundcloud, etc. but i'll check out your stuff sometime.. cheers! :)


p.s. i like Chassis. sorry your thread's gone a bit squiff mate! post some more tunes :)


and JACKO, you're being a total dick. you're the one who sounds like a "noob" i reckon.

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and sorry chassis for jackin your thread like this, i really do like your track up there. i just don't like it when people claim stuff like this as some kind of fact.


it's my "fact" to claim and i claim it! :) like you have your own set of facts and opinions and ideals that you claim and think and live by.

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chas, add some more stuff/ beats , change it up a bit, and shorten the length down to around 5 or 6 mins.. then post again, just to spite Jacko. ;)

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sorry, i don't know you and haven't ever heard any of your stuff before. i'm not really interested in sososundcloud, either, tbh. i just can't understand why anybody wouldn't want to own a real hands-on synthesizer.... unless it's just a matter of money and not having enough for one. otherwise.. each to their own i suppose. *shrugs*


my lol was due to your statement that i should get a synth if im serious about my music. i've been making software based electronic music for 15 years, the only hardware i ever use is my midi keyboard. i would

get some kind of hardware if i had any interest in it, but i don't, and i don't feel the need to either. getting a synthesizer isn't going to make you a better or more serious musician.


here's a youtube promo for my latest album





i don't see how it would've sounded any different if i had used hardware instead.


and sorry chassis for jackin your thread like this, i really do like your track up there. i just don't like it when people claim stuff like this as some kind of fact.


Shit i thought you make music just with hardware. It sounded so hardware to me. I think I'll never buy a synth for sound purposes.

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Nice meditative tones, Chassis.


As far as the amount of BEATZ goes, I'd say (to my taste) either solid beats for much more of the track or none at all. The ambiance is rich, and while it doesn't keep my attention very well, it doesn't really have to.


But that's my impression. This is your music, your taste matters most!


Jackos spam detracted from this nice post. Thanks Erothyme, I appreciate the listen. I'm actually a fan of your music.

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sorry, i don't know you and haven't ever heard any of your stuff before. i'm not really interested in sososundcloud, either, tbh. i just can't understand why anybody wouldn't want to own a real hands-on synthesizer.... unless it's just a matter of money and not having enough for one. otherwise.. each to their own i suppose. *shrugs*


my lol was due to your statement that i should get a synth if im serious about my music. i've been making software based electronic music for 15 years, the only hardware i ever use is my midi keyboard. i would

get some kind of hardware if i had any interest in it, but i don't, and i don't feel the need to either. getting a synthesizer isn't going to make you a better or more serious musician.


here's a youtube promo for my latest album





i don't see how it would've sounded any different if i had used hardware instead.


and sorry chassis for jackin your thread like this, i really do like your track up there. i just don't like it when people claim stuff like this as some kind of fact.


Shit i thought you make music just with hardware. It sounded so hardware to me. I think I'll never buy a synth for sound purposes.

not even one comment about chassis's track??? LOL

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