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whats the likelihood of fucking up your mind with alcohol and weed?

Guest Helper ET

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well think about where each comes from. weed is natural and simply grows out of the ground. alcohol is made through a "fermentation" process which is basically letting a bunch of shit rot, then you drink it.

Oh god I hate it when people bring up the 'natural' argument. The fact that something was grown naturally versus being made artificially in a lab has ABSOLUTELY no bearing on its safeness as a drug.


Datura grows wild and it is one of the most dangerous substances around. As well, there are psychedelics like Mushrooms, Amanitas and Peyote that can be incredibly dangerous psychologically.



Whether or not a drug is safe should be based on measured information, not this qualitative "natural" bullshit. Someone please do me a favour and close the logic gap between making a drug in a lab and that drug being bad for you. Please, I need to see the correlation. Otherwise stfu with this "I only do natural drugs" shit. Seriously, it's soooo stupid.


edit: I realize you weren't getting too deep into the natural vs lab made argument but I've heard it enough times that this was enough to set me off.




fermentation is a natural process anyway, your original point is null. plus you made it kind of obvious that you're not too clear on what the process of fermentation is. i'm not even going to bother,.

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Guest hahathhat

well think about where each comes from. weed is natural and simply grows out of the ground. alcohol is made through a "fermentation" process which is basically letting a bunch of shit rot, then you drink it.


wtf's that got to do with anything?

Well poison ivy is natural, I hear its good for your skin.


arsenic is natural


fake tits are larger

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Guest hahathhat

whats the likelihood of stickin to the grind when omar's all "indeed"


i've just started re-watching the wire actually! watch for the inevitable track i do sampling it

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it's like Howard Marks once said, it all depends on the 3 P's. the person, the place and the product. so, what sort of person you are, whether you're a nutjob in the first place no thanks to your upbringing... and where you're at when you're getting high/drunk/whatever and who you're with, are you with other nutjob asshole fuckbags........ and of course, depends WHAT you're doing/taking/smoking/whatever.

like Dr. Triple X said right at the beginning, it's impossible to say.........

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say youve been drinking quite heavily on and off for the last 5 or so years. youve also been smoking quite a bit of weed too. what do you think the chances are of ones mind getting significantly fucked up, after only a few (5) years of this lifestyle?

im worried about a friend...


a friend ??

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just don't carry them with you when you're out.


Or use them at all, move the fuck away. Get a licence driving a truck or heavy machinery. Move to canada. And do some hard honest work. Get your life back.



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i'm in this same situation. my brother smokes and i'm trying to find a way to prove to him that he's wasting his brain and his time.


fuck weed. FUCK weed and fuck alcohol. i'm sick of fucking hippies saying "it's OK to smoke, bro." FUCK you. it's a drug. FUUUUUCK you. nothing makes me more irritated. fucking cocksucking hippies.



that said, i'm 100% for legalization and shit... just that I know there are bad effects of smoking weed. i just know it, even if I can't prove it yet.


not to mention the obvious factors of addiction and the semi-bullshit but totally relevant idea of weed as a "gateway drug" into a pathetic lifestyle of couches and shitty friends.

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Guest hahathhat

i'm in this same situation. my brother smokes and i'm trying to find a way to prove to him that he's wasting his brain and his time.


fuck weed. FUCK weed and fuck alcohol. i'm sick of fucking hippies saying "it's OK to smoke, bro." FUCK you. it's a drug. FUUUUUCK you. nothing makes me more irritated. fucking cocksucking hippies.



that said, i'm 100% for legalization and shit... just that I know there are bad effects of smoking weed. i just know it, even if I can't prove it yet.


not to mention the obvious factors of addiction and the semi-bullshit but totally relevant idea of weed as a "gateway drug" into a pathetic lifestyle of couches and shitty friends.


someone sounds bitter ! smoke a j and chilllll

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some people are just personal gateways to self destruction. This has already been demonstrated with experiments on monkeys. So really in a land of personal responsibility you will always end up with those that misuse, legally or not. They will overly desire that which is bad for them in the long run, for that quick fix.


Whilst others poo poo their preferences, not realising that it's an accident of biological fate that they are not in the same position.

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i'm in this same situation. my brother smokes and i'm trying to find a way to prove to him that he's wasting his brain and his time.


fuck weed. FUCK weed and fuck alcohol. i'm sick of fucking hippies saying "it's OK to smoke, bro." FUCK you. it's a drug. FUUUUUCK you. nothing makes me more irritated. fucking cocksucking hippies.



that said, i'm 100% for legalization and shit... just that I know there are bad effects of smoking weed. i just know it, even if I can't prove it yet.


not to mention the obvious factors of addiction and the semi-bullshit but totally relevant idea of weed as a "gateway drug" into a pathetic lifestyle of couches and shitty friends.


when i smoke weed/hash i'm actually very well behaved and relaxed! i don't go crazy. infact the complete opposite!

i don't think people acting like insane scumbags here has any real direct link to them smoking weed at all. if that's what you're getting at.

alcohol is what makes me act all crazy and messy sometimes, and that's legal. lol. so, go figure..........


drugs are NOT bad, m'kay.. people are!

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Guest ezkerraldean

weed is ok yo, but people who smoke lots of it tend to be slightly mental wastrels innit

but is it the weed that does it to them or not yo?

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i'm in this same situation. my brother smokes and i'm trying to find a way to prove to him that he's wasting his brain and his time.


fuck weed. FUCK weed and fuck alcohol. i'm sick of fucking hippies saying "it's OK to smoke, bro." FUCK you. it's a drug. FUUUUUCK you. nothing makes me more irritated. fucking cocksucking hippies.



that said, i'm 100% for legalization and shit... just that I know there are bad effects of smoking weed. i just know it, even if I can't prove it yet.


not to mention the obvious factors of addiction and the semi-bullshit but totally relevant idea of weed as a "gateway drug" into a pathetic lifestyle of couches and shitty friends.


when i smoke weed/hash i'm actually very well behaved and relaxed! i don't go crazy. infact the complete opposite!

i don't think people acting like insane scumbags here has any real direct link to them smoking weed at all. if that's what you're getting at.

alcohol is what makes me act all crazy and messy sometimes, and that's legal. lol. so, go figure..........


drugs are NOT bad, m'kay.. people are!


basically, that was what i was saying, some people are less than blessed and bring them selves to drugs less than dressed.

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that doesn't mean that i think that drugs should be prohibited .. as that is stupid talk .. the preference of those that would control the body and mind of their fellows .. for no real purpose other than domination. There is no other social function. Cause if these options were regulated and cheap we wouldn't have a policing problem. Only an antiquated moral one.

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weed is ok yo, but people who smoke lots of it tend to be slightly mental wastrels innit


that's absolute rubbish. everyone's brain is different. everyone's life is different. every drug is different.

if drugs were all legalized and managed properly we (public and governments as a whole) would work all this shit out!!

gangs, cartells would go out of business, people would stop risking their lives and being murdered everyday...

people could go out at the weekends and legally actually do something different than get pissed and have a dance,

then get a kebab on the way home and spend all day Sunday in bed.

some people are so closed minded and scared, though. it will probbaly not happen for another few decades, if ever.

but so-called 'democractic society' might be well and truely lost by then.

what we need is a revolution, like the one in Egypt. but people are too pussy and don't really care enough to change anything.

we've been dumb-numbed and brainwashed by our plasma screen tv's and endless channels and internet and x-box and 'shopping' and bull SHIT.

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weed is ok yo, but people who smoke lots of it tend to be slightly mental wastrels innit


that's absolute rubbish. everyone's brain is different. everyone's life is different. every drug is different.

if drugs were all legalized and managed properly we (public and governments as a whole) would work all this shit out!!

gangs, cartells would go out of business, people would stop risking their lives and being murdered everyday...

people could go out at the weekends and legally actually do something different than get pissed and have a dance,

then get a kebab on the way home and spend all day Sunday in bed.

some people are so closed minded and scared, though. it will probbaly not happen for another few decades, if ever.

but so-called 'democractic society' might be well and truely lost by then.

what we need is a revolution, like the one in Egypt. but people are too pussy and don't really care enough to change anything.

we've been dumb-numbed and brainwashed by our plasma screen tv's and endless channels and internet and x-box and 'shopping' and bull SHIT.


you should write poetry

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Guest ezkerraldean

what we need is a revolution, like the one in Egypt. but people are too pussy and don't really care enough to change anything.

we've been dumb-numbed and brainwashed by our plasma screen tv's and endless channels and internet and x-box and 'shopping' and bull SHIT.

is it really that bad?! I ain't brainwashed by none o' those things and I've never really felt that way about the society in which I live innit

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weed is ok yo, but people who smoke lots of it tend to be slightly mental wastrels innit


that's absolute rubbish. everyone's brain is different. everyone's life is different. every drug is different.

if drugs were all legalized and managed properly we (public and governments as a whole) would work all this shit out!!

gangs, cartells would go out of business, people would stop risking their lives and being murdered everyday...

people could go out at the weekends and legally actually do something different than get pissed and have a dance,

then get a kebab on the way home and spend all day Sunday in bed.

some people are so closed minded and scared, though. it will probbaly not happen for another few decades, if ever.

but so-called 'democractic society' might be well and truely lost by then.

what we need is a revolution, like the one in Egypt. but people are too pussy and don't really care enough to change anything.

we've been dumb-numbed and brainwashed by our plasma screen tv's and endless channels and internet and x-box and 'shopping' and bull SHIT.


you should write poetry


you should grow up and wake up

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