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My Plasma Screen Died


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Guest mafted

how the hell do any of you afford crazy awesome tvs like that?


it took me months just to save up for a 32 inch Sony Bravia....and that was ridiculously expensive.


Well, to be fair, I usually either come into the right amount of money or I purchase things on credit (although these days I'm more and more cash n' carry) - and I won't spend much over 2000.00 for a TV or similar equipment (laments spending 2500.00 on the 20" iMac ages ago :facepalm: ).



it's very possible to fix, probably. i have a 40" lcd in which one of the capacitors blew on the power board (started making a hissing sound).. once i googled everything i found a replacement for $2 at Radio Shack.. soldered it on and it works like new. much better than a few hundred dollar bs repair bill.



See, you're a braver man than I - while I have no issues disconnecting circuit boards, etc., soldering is where I draw the line - I know some people say it's easy, but that shit just scares me. Something about molten metal...


yea but it's a flimsy type of alloy or something, not fully metal.. it won't burn through your skin or anything. it can be risky if you aren't grounded or you hit something that's still holding a charge after you turn it off.. which is rare i think.


if it's just a board you need that wouldn't be hard.. but even if it's something else all you need is a soldering gun and some solder (which they come with). turn it on, make sure it gets hot, find the part that needs to be removed, hold the gun on to each of the contacts (on the back of the circuit board) to loosen the solder and break them free. it should pop out. then slide the new one in and put a dab of solder on each contact. just make sure not to burn or drop a lot of solder around since it'll eat in to the board and fuuu it up. :sup:

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Guest mafted

yea, i suppose you're right. it's really about using as little solder as possible, which can be tricky once it starts melting.

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if you dont mind me asking joy, how much did that one cost?


if i remember correctly, when i bought the 32inch there was a big price gap between 32 and the next largest screen.


Well, when I bought the 50" LG Plasma back in 2006, it was listing for around 2600.00, but thanks to a 900.00 manufactuerer's instant rebate, and signing up for Time Warner Cable gave another 200.00 discount, it chopped the price down to 1600+, and with tax and everything, it came in right under 2000.00. Now, the same set (feature-and-spec-wise) you can get for as little as 579.00 (and the current model is superior to mine (extra HDMI ports, etc.)


just ask for donations Joyrex and you'll have a new TV.


That would be unethical :emotawesomepm9:


yea, i suppose you're right. it's really about using as little solder as possible, which can be tricky once it starts melting.


LOL - I have to eat ice cream in a dish/cup as in a cone, I end up dripping all over myself - perhaps solder is not the best for me :rolleyes:

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Plasmas are a lot cheaper than lcds for larger sizes and they usually have much better picture.


Yep - even compared to the new LEDs, nothing seems to match plasma on brightness and overall clarity.

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Plasmas are a lot cheaper than lcds for larger sizes and they usually have much better picture.


Yep - even compared to the new LEDs, nothing seems to match plasma on brightness and overall clarity.


Is that really true? I recently spent around a grand on a Samsung 46" LED thinking it was the best I could get in that size. I did absolutely no research and went to Best Buy and just made up my mind on the spot. I actually really hate the TV, as the near blacks are almost always too black and I have attempted to calibrate it using some calibration blu rays but it still looks off. The internet says I bought a good TV but if plasmas looks better I would rather have one of those. Should I return it and buy something else?

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Plasmas are a lot cheaper than lcds for larger sizes and they usually have much better picture.


Yep - even compared to the new LEDs, nothing seems to match plasma on brightness and overall clarity.


but aren't plasmas cheaper and break down more?



what about image burning?, have they fixed that?

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