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Guest Fishtank

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As stupid/retarded as george bush was he at least knew how to play the 'act like a confident president' game much better than Obama imo

So would you rather have a retard lying to you saying that everything is "mission complete" or a guy that says "I don't know what the fuck is going on and I'm not going to pretend that I do."?


I'd like a third option really.

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Guest ezkerraldean

As stupid/retarded as george bush was he at least knew how to play the 'act like a confident president' game much better than Obama imo

So would you rather have a retard lying to you saying that everything is "mission complete" or a guy that says "I don't know what the fuck is going on and I'm not going to pretend that I do."?


I'd like a third option really.

Lib Dems lol

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Guest thepilot

he will get elected again. im pretty sure this is true.




let's not forget the droves of illiterate filth that crawled out from the squalid ghettos of the united states to make sure "one of us" got elected.

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As stupid/retarded as george bush was he at least knew how to play the 'act like a confident president' game much better than Obama imo

So would you rather have a retard lying to you saying that everything is "mission complete" or a guy that says "I don't know what the fuck is going on and I'm not going to pretend that I do."?


I'd like a third option really.


Oh that omniscient guy who knows precisely what's going on at all times. Yeah we'd all like that as well.


Note: I'm not saying Obama is the ideal president, but he's a hell of a sight better than Bush jr.

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As stupid/retarded as george bush was he at least knew how to play the 'act like a confident president' game much better than Obama imo

So would you rather have a retard lying to you saying that everything is "mission complete" or a guy that says "I don't know what the fuck is going on and I'm not going to pretend that I do."?


I'd like a third option really.


Oh that omniscient guy who knows precisely what's going on at all times. Yeah we'd all like that as well.


Note: I'm not saying Obama is the ideal president, but he's a hell of a sight better than Bush jr.


Of course he's not ideal, but are either really worth defending? Is there a point in comparing them?

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Obama is better than Bush, Sr. or Jr. Obama hasn't really passed any bills I disagree with (except for that corporations can fund campaigns bill, was that him?).


There's no third option. I can't think of a president in the past several decades who represented me, or was perfect. As long as my choice is Democrat or Republican, I'll ever have that perfect president.


And I think he'll get elected again. Republican party is in pieces right now.

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As stupid/retarded as george bush was he at least knew how to play the 'act like a confident president' game much better than Obama imo

So would you rather have a retard lying to you saying that everything is "mission complete" or a guy that says "I don't know what the fuck is going on and I'm not going to pretend that I do."?


of course not but i have to say i'm not alone in this thought nor am i coming at it from a 'i hate obama perspective' the entire media is ablaze right now with stories in this vein. The Economist last month ran over 4 stories basically talking about obama's cowardice. It's a snowball that he is not going to be able to stop at this point


he's slipping, in many more ways than one.


the only reason i mentioned what i did above, is because even if you try to measure the goodness of his presidency with the the most generic yard stick possible, he still fails quite badly. this is the least of his flaws, his policies are what's actually really bad.

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Guest ezkerraldean

And I think he'll get elected again. Republican party is in pieces right now.

really? i know the republicans seem to be pretty divided at the moment (into total-teabag-nutters and not-too-nutty-nutters), but come the next election they will still be one party and have one candidate. that candidate will presumably be of the not-too-nutty variety, and the teabaggers will still vote for that person since they'd see them as less commie than obama. innit?


obviously i'd prefer him to be reelected but i doubt it will happen. but i'm not american anyway lol

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Either way, it's kind of a stupid question. Bush was President for 8 years, Obama has been president for less than 2.5. It's difficult to compare either way. Obama could do a lot more good, or he could fuck up really bad in the next several years.

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Either way, it's kind of a stupid question. Bush was President for 8 years, Obama has been president for less than 2.5. It's difficult to compare either way. Obama could do a lot more good, or he could fuck up really bad in the next several years.


but he already has done nothing to reverse 8 years of bush damage, and does not seem to want to or have real motivation to reverse any of it. He hasn't even reversed the ruination of sex education in this country, W's push abstinence education is still pretty commonly taught. By sitting back on the sidelines and letting all these things continue he essentially becomes complicit in the George W Bush / Cheney insane presidency. I wish this wasn't the case believe me, i wish the democratic party and it's followers didn't become loyalist to the point of abandoning all critical thinking abilities (like the people they made fun of for 8 years, the W supporters).

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i was going to go point by point down that list to figure out what was true, false fabricated exaggerated, but i can safely say after reading point 2

that this list was written by a moron


Things obama has done



2. Shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Afghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along


shifted to reducing terrorism by arial bombing and knocking down doors of homes in a country full of Bedouin goat herders? what the fuck kind of logic is that.


I never understood how any rational informed thinking person can be for our invasion of Afghanistan.

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He hasn't even reversed the ruination of sex education in this country, W's push abstinence education is still pretty commonly taught.




it's obama's fault the let the Bush damage stand, but thanks for putting words in my mouth, instead of directly addressing what i said... it helps the discussion

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He hasn't even reversed the ruination of sex education in this country, W's push abstinence education is still pretty commonly taught.




it's obama's fault the let the Bush damage stand, but thanks for putting words in my mouth, instead of directly addressing what i said... it helps the discussion


What discussion? You are on the defensive before anyone even says anything.

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lol, its such a non-issue. calm down guy


what's a non issue? imposing christian values federally on america's sexual education?


He hasn't even reversed the ruination of sex education in this country, W's push abstinence education is still pretty commonly taught.




it's obama's fault the let the Bush damage stand, but thanks for putting words in my mouth, instead of directly addressing what i said... it helps the discussion


What discussion? You are on the defensive before anyone even says anything.



well one someone just parodies or strawmans what i was trying to say in capital letters it seems like half-assed jab

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lol, its such a non-issue. calm down guy


what's a non issue? imposing christian values federally on america's sexual education?


leaving sexual education to the schools seems lazy, imo, i didnt have appropriate sex education and i dont have any kids.

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lol, its such a non-issue. calm down guy


what's a non issue? imposing christian values federally on america's sexual education?


leaving sexual education to the schools seems lazy, imo, i didnt have appropriate sex education and i dont have any kids.


i think you missed my point. Bush did not 'leave it to the schools' he imposed a federally funded program to influence sex education everywhere to focus more on abstinence education, not emphasized forms of birth control and things that would actually be helpful.

Obama has not made any effort to put sexual eduation back on this country, but now we're getting side tracked. Honestly in the bigger scheme of things this is the least of Obama's complicity.


gitmo is still open, exporting torture is still allowed, keeping political prisoners in solitary confinement (manning), aggressively prosecuting whistleblowers who expose corruption, the afghanistan war still goes on with no end in sight, the iraq war is not over, 50,000 of our troops our there (maybe not so many americans die, but iraqis die in war related activities on a regular basis), obama asked for a 3 year extension on the patriot act, obama totally capitulated to the insurance companies and let them essentially write the healthcare legislation, i could on for a couple of more paragaphs but ill stop here

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Someone i known, an australian, who likes to think that he's a liberal* just friended the Democratic Party on facebook. :facepalm:


I can't be bothered telling him how he's missed the boat on this one. And is probably 70 years too late.



* -[the US meaning]

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i also have to mention it's extremely shocking ot me that people who don't live in the united states feel any sort of attachment or good vibes towards Obama. How did the international community get hood winked so badly? For years Europe laughed at our assinine presidents, Reagan, Bush Jr, etc. So now we have a guy who uses proper grammar and speaks well and Europeans love him, very very odd.

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Despite Obama's flaws, Bush has page after page of bullshit he did. But again, 8 years vs. 2.5.


Either way, I will be voting for Obama next election. The Republicans have too much of a Christian agenda, and as far as I can tell (correct me with examples if I am wrong), Obama doesn't seem to have any Christian agenda, nor has he okay'd any Christian biased laws.


In addition to the Sex Education Law, Bush was pushing for the Federal Marriage Ammendment, horribly anti-gay law. Excuse my Wikipedia, I know that it's valid though.

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i also have to mention it's extremely shocking to me that people who do or don't live in the united states feel any sort of attachment or good vibes towards Obama, or any world leader for that matter. It also completely slides past me why anyone would spend time defending any politician. You do not know Obama, or George Bush Jr. They've done things people won't know about until you're dead, and they've done things probably no one outside of a relatively small group of people will ever know about, some of which most likely will impact millions of people. These politicians are false idols and anyone with such power over you should be endlessly scrutinized if anything, not defended. Give them accolades after they step down, if you truly believe they are worthy.


Fixed that for you. Changes in bold.

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i guess where i'm coming from is that yes Bush did awful things more often and obviously than Obama has done, i can't deny that. However Obama has now 'carried water' for Bush continuing some of his most awful policies. Mind you things he didn't come up with on his own but now he is fully 100% complicit in. I look at it the same way as a serial killer who's murdered 100 people. He has a friend who knows he's murdered this many people, but for the next 2.5 years continue to cover up and even help him continue some of his prolific serial killing.




Fixed that for you. Changes in bold.


heh , well i think the distinction you made is true sure, but the international community has been skeptical of and very cynical of American's leaders for as long as i've been alive. It still surprises me Obama has gained alot of respect outside of the united states

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